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时间: 2024-09-19 17:46:36


1. The birds fly south for the winter. (鸟儿冬天飞向南方。)

2. I love to fly kites on a windy day. (我喜欢在有风的日子放风筝。)

3. We will fly to Paris next week. (我们下周将飞往巴黎。)

4. The butterfly can fly from flower to flower. (蝴蝶可以从花上飞到花上。)

5. The pilot will fly the plane to its destination. (飞行员将驾驶飞机飞往目的地。)

6. The superhero can fly through the air. (超级英雄可以在空中飞行。)

7. The fly was buzzing around the room. (苍蝇在房间里嗡嗡飞舞。)

8. The airplane can fly at high speeds. (飞机可以以高速飞行。)

9. I wish I could fly like a bird. (我希望自己能像鸟儿一样飞翔。)

10. The fly landed on the picnic table. (苍蝇落在了野餐桌上。)

11. The kite soared high into the sky as it caught the wind and began to fly. (风筝在风中飘荡,高高地升上天空。)

12. The bird took off and began to fly away. (鸟儿起飞,开始飞走。)

13. The fly was annoyingly buzzing around the room. (苍蝇让人讨厌地在房间里嗡嗡飞来飞去。)

14. The plane will fly over the mountains on its way to the destination. (飞机将在飞往目的地的途中飞越山脉。)

15. The fly landed on the fruit and began to feed. (苍蝇落在水果上,开始吸食。)

16. The fly was caught in the spider's web. (苍蝇被蜘蛛网困住了。)

17. The fly swatter missed the fly. (苍蝇拍没有打中苍蝇。)

18. The fly zipped around the room, looking for something to eat. (苍蝇在房间里飞来飞去,寻找东西吃。)

19. The fly landed on the garbage can. (苍蝇落在垃圾桶上。)

20. The fly was attracted to the sweet smell of the flowers. (苍蝇被花的甜香吸引住了。)

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