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时间: 2024-09-19 17:05:54


1. The timer is set to beep at 30-second intervals.(计时器设置为每30秒响一次。)

2. The interval between each train is five minutes.(每趟火车之间的间隔是五分钟。)

3. She does high-intensity interval training to improve her fitness.(她进行高强度间歇训练以提高自己的健康水平。)

4. The music gradually faded during the interval.(音乐在中场休息期间逐渐消失。)

5. The interval between meals is important for digestion.(餐间间隔对于消化很重要。)

6. The interval between the two meetings is only 15 minutes.(两次会议之间的间隔只有15分钟。)

7. The interval on the treadmill can be adjusted to suit your workout.(跑步机上的间隔可以调整以适应你的锻炼。)

8. The interval of uncertainty is causing anxiety for the team.(不确定的间隔时间让团队感到焦虑。)

9. The interval between the lightning and the thunder indicated the storm was moving closer.(闪电和雷声之间的间隔表明暴风雨正在逼近。)

10. The interval for reapplying sunscreen is every two hours.(重新涂抹防晒霜的间隔时间是每两个小时。)

11. 他们在两场比赛之间有一个小时的休息时间。(There is an hour interval between the two games.)

12. 我每隔一小时就会伸展一次身体。(I stretch my body at hourly intervals.)

13. 她进行了一系列的高强度间歇训练。(She did a series of high-intensity interval workouts.)

14. 两次地震之间的时间间隔只有几分钟。(The interval between the two earthquakes was only a few minutes.)

15. 他们在两次讨论之间安排了一个短暂的休息时间。(They scheduled a brief interval between the two discussions.)

16. 专注和休息之间需要有一个平衡。(There needs to be a balance between focus and intervals of rest.)

17. 我们需要定期休息,以便能够集中精力。(We need regular intervals of rest in order to stay focused.)

18. 每隔一段时间,我们就需要给自己放松的时间。(At intervals, we need to give ourselves time to relax.)

19. 他们在演出中有一个20分钟的中场休息时间。(They have a 20-minute interval during the performance.)

20. 我们需要在工作和休息之间找到一个平衡。(We need to find a balance between work and intervals of relaxation.)

上一个 【英语】interpretation的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】intervention的例句




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