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时间: 2024-09-19 11:32:31


1. His laziness prevented him from completing his assignments on time.(他的懒惰导致他无法按时完成作业。)

2. Sarah's laziness got in the way of her achieving her goals.(萨拉的懒惰妨碍了她实现目标。)

3. The employee was fired due to his chronic laziness at work.(这名员工因工作上的懒惰而被解雇。)

4. Despite his intelligence, his laziness held him back from excelling in school.(尽管很聪明,但他的懒惰阻碍了他在学校取得成功。)

5. Laziness is often seen as a barrier to success.(懒惰通常被视为成功的障碍。)

6. Her laziness caused her to miss out on opportunities for advancement.(她的懒惰导致她错过了晋升的机会。)

7. Laziness can be a difficult habit to break.(懒惰可能是一个难以改掉的习惯。)

8. His laziness resulted in a messy and disorganized living space.(他的懒惰导致了一个凌乱和杂乱无章的居住空间。)

9. Laziness often leads to procrastination.(懒惰经常导致拖延。)

10. The team's performance suffered due to the laziness of some members.(由于部分成员的懒惰,团队的表现受到了影响。)

11. Laziness can be detrimental to one's physical health.(懒惰可能对身体健康有害。)

12. His laziness was evident in his lack of effort in completing the project.(他的懒惰表现在他完成项目时的不努力。)

13. Laziness can be a sign of underlying issues such as depression or anxiety.(懒惰可能是潜在问题的表现,如抑郁或焦虑。)

14. She attributed her lack of exercise to laziness.(她把自己不锻炼归因于懒惰。)

15. Laziness can be overcome with discipline and motivation.(懒惰可以通过纪律和动力来克服。)

16. His laziness was a source of frustration for his colleagues.(他的懒惰让同事们感到沮丧。)

17. Laziness is often a result of a lack of motivation or purpose.(懒惰通常是缺乏动力或目的的结果。)

18. Her laziness caused her to miss important deadlines.(她的懒惰导致她错过了重要的截止日期。)

19. Laziness can be a barrier to personal growth and development.(懒惰可能是个人成长和发展的障碍。)

20. Overcoming laziness requires self-discipline and determination.(克服懒惰需要自律和决心。)

上一个 【英语】lazily的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】lazy的例句




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