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时间: 2024-09-19 11:35:50


1. She will lead the team to victory in the championship.(她将带领团队赢得冠军)

2. The CEO's vision and leadership will lead the company to success.(首席执行官的远见和领导力将带领公司取得成功)

3. The path will lead us through the forest to the lake.(这条路会把我们引领穿过森林到湖边)

4. His innovative ideas will lead the industry in a new direction.(他的创新思路将引领该行业朝着新方向发展)

5. The new policy is expected to lead to increased productivity.(预计新政策将导致生产率提高)

6. Lead by example and others will follow.(以身作则,其他人会效仿)

7. The guide will lead the tour group to all the important landmarks.(导游会带领游览团参观所有重要的地标)

8. The study's findings could lead to new treatments for the disease.(这项研究的发现可能会导致新的疾病治疗方法)

9. The bright colors on the map will lead you to the treasure.(地图上的鲜艳颜色将引领你找到宝藏)

10. The detective followed the clues that eventually led to the criminal's capture.(侦探追踪线索最终导致了罪犯的抓获)

11. The new technology will lead to more efficient processes.(新技术将导致更高效的流程)

12. Her charisma and confidence naturally lead people to trust her.(她的魅力和自信自然而然地让人们信任她)

13. The bright lights will lead us to the exit.(明亮的灯光会引领我们找到出口)

14. The teacher's guidance will lead the students to academic success.(老师的指导会引领学生取得学业上的成功)

15. The new evidence may lead to a different conclusion.(新证据可能导致不同的结论)

16. The winding road will lead us to the mountain peak.(蜿蜒的道路会引领我们到达山顶)

17. His determination and hard work will lead him to his dream job.(他的决心和努力会引领他得到梦寐以求的工作)

18. The company's commitment to sustainability will lead to positive environmental impacts.(公司对可持续发展的承诺将导致积极的环境影响)

19. The river will lead us to the ocean.(这条河会引领我们到达大海)

20. The project manager's expertise will lead the team to a successful project completion.(项目经理的专业知识将引领团队成功完成项目)


上一个 【英语】lazy的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】leadership的例句




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