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时间: 2024-09-18 11:40:28


1. I need to renew my driver's licence before it expires.(我需要在到期之前更新我的驾驶执照。)

2. The company was fined for operating without a proper licence.(该公司因未持有合法许可证而被罚款。)

3. You must have a fishing license to fish in this lake.(在这个湖里钓鱼,你必须有钓鱼许可证。)

4. She applied for a marriage license at the county clerk's office.(她在县文书办公室申请了结婚许可证。)

5. The bar was shut down for serving alcohol without a valid liquor license.(这家酒吧因未持有有效的酒类许可证而被关闭。)

6. In the United States, a driver's license is required to operate a motor vehicle.(在美国,驾驶机动车辆需要驾驶执照。)

7. The restaurant proudly displayed its health inspection license.(这家餐厅自豪地展示着它的健康检查许可证。)

8. He was caught driving without a valid license and was fined heavily.(他因未持有有效驾照而被罚款。)

9. The software requires a valid license key to activate.(这个软件需要一个有效的许可密钥来激活。)

10. Without a hunting license, you are not allowed to hunt in this area.(没有狩猎许可证,你不能在这个区域狩猎。)

11. 他需要一张营业执照才能开办自己的餐馆。(He needs a business license to open his own restaurant.)

12. 这家公司因经营时未持有合法许可证而被罚款。(The company was fined for operating without a proper license.)

13. 你需要一张许可证才能在这个国家工作。(You need a license to work in this country.)

14. 她的驾驶执照在两个月前过期了。(Her driver's license expired two months ago.)

15. 他正在申请一项专利许可。(He is applying for a patent license.)

16. 这个软件需要一个有效的许可证才能使用。(This software requires a valid license to use.)

17. 他的牌照被吊销了,因为他酒后开车。(His license was revoked because he was driving under the influence.)

18. 他们的婚姻许可证即将到期,需要续签。(Their marriage license is about to expire and needs to be renewed.)

19. 他因未持有合法许可证而被逮捕。(He was arrested for not having a valid license.)

20. 他的医生执照是在国外获得的。(His medical license was obtained overseas.)

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