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时间: 2024-09-19 16:37:39


1. The company has a limited budget for marketing this year. (这家公司今年在营销方面的预算有限。)

2. There are only a limited number of tickets available for the concert. (音乐会的门票数量有限。)

3. His knowledge of the subject is limited. (他对这个课题的了解有限。)

4. The restaurant has a limited menu on weekdays. (这家餐厅平日的菜单种类有限。)

5. Due to limited resources, the project had to be scaled back. (由于资源有限,该项目不得不缩减规模。)

6. The options for housing in this area are limited. (这个地区的住房选择有限。)

7. The company has limited liability in case of bankruptcy. (公司在破产情况下责任有限。)

8. The limited edition sneakers sold out within minutes. (限量版运动鞋在几分钟内就卖光了。)

9. Her mobility is limited due to a knee injury. (由于膝盖受伤,她的行动能力受限。)

10. The hotel offers limited parking spaces for guests. (酒店为客人提供有限的停车位。)

11. The museum has a limited collection of modern art. (博物馆的现代艺术收藏品有限。)

12. Due to limited time, we couldn't visit all the attractions. (由于时间有限,我们无法参观所有景点。)

13. The limited seating capacity of the venue led to tickets selling out quickly. (场馆的座位有限导致门票迅速售罄。)

14. The novel is only available in a limited number of languages. (这本小说只有有限的语言版本。)

15. The limited number of participants allowed for more personalized interaction in the workshop. (有限的参与人数使得研讨会上的互动更加个性化。)

16. The limited supply of the product caused high demand. (产品供应有限导致需求旺盛。)

17. The limited edition artwork was highly sought after by collectors. (限量版艺术品备受收藏家追捧。)

18. The company's expansion plans are limited by available funding. (公司的扩张计划受到可用资金的限制。)

19. The limited options for public transportation in the area were a challenge for commuters. (该地区的公共交通选择有限,给通勤者带来了挑战。)

20. The limited visibility due to fog caused delays at the airport. (因为雾霾导致能见度有限,机场航班延误。)

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