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时间: 2024-09-20 01:00:08


1. He felt a lump in his throat when he heard the sad news.(当他听到悲伤的消息时,他感到喉咙一阵发闷。)

2. The doctor found a lump in her breast during the examination.(医生在检查中发现了她乳房里的一个肿块。)

3. She put a lump of sugar in her tea.(她在茶里放了一块糖。)

4. The cat had a lump on its head from the fight.(猫的头上有一块肿块,可能是打架造成的。)

5. He was hit on the head and now has a lump there.(他头部受伤,现在有一块肿块。)

6. She found a lump of clay and started molding it into a shape.(她发现一块黏土,开始塑造它成形。)

7. There was a lump of ice on the sidewalk.(人行道上有一块冰块。)

8. She always puts a lump of butter on her toast.(她总是在烤面包上放一块黄油。)

9. The lump in the carpet made her trip and fall.(地毯上的凸起让她绊倒了。)

10. He received a lump sum payment for his retirement.(他获得了一笔退休金的一次性支付。)

11. The lump in the road caused the car to jolt.(路上的凸起让汽车颠簸了一下。)

12. She noticed a lump of dirt on her shoe.(她注意到鞋上有一块泥土。)

13. He felt a lump in his stomach as he waited for the results.(他在等待结果时感到胃里一阵堵得慌。)

14. She found a lump of coal in the garden.(她在花园里发现了一块煤炭。)

15. The lump of clay was shaped into a beautiful vase.(那块黏土被塑造成了一个美丽的花瓶。)

16. There was a lump in the mattress that made it uncomfortable to sleep on.(床垫上有一个凸起,让人睡得不舒服。)

17. He received a lump sum settlement for the accident.(他因事故获得了一笔一次性和解金。)

18. A lump of rock fell from the cliff and landed in the river.(一块岩石从悬崖上掉落到了河里。)

19. She found a lump of dough and started kneading it.(她发现一块面团,开始揉搓。)

20. The lump of chocolate melted in her hand.(手中的巧克力块融化了。)

上一个 【英语】luggage的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】lump…together的例句




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