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时间: 2024-09-18 11:10:56


1. I need to check with the mailman to see if my package has arrived.


2. The mailman delivers the mail to our house every day, rain or shine.


3. The mailman always greets our dog with a treat when he delivers the mail.


4. The mailman is a familiar face in our neighborhood, always friendly and reliable.


5. The mailman's job requires a lot of walking and carrying heavy loads.


6. The mailman's uniform helps identify them as official postal workers.


7. The mailman was kind enough to hold onto our mail while we were on vacation.


8. The mailman's cart is filled with letters and packages for delivery.


9. The mailman's route takes him all around the city, delivering mail to different addresses.


10. The mailman is known for his punctuality and dedication to his job.


11. 邮递员每天都会按时把信件递送到我们家门口。

12. 邮递员是社区里的熟悉面孔,总是笑脸迎人。

13. 邮递员需要在各种天气条件下工作,确保信件及时送达。

14. 邮递员的工作需要良好的体力和耐力。

15. 邮递员需要遵守邮政服务的相关规定和标准。

16. 邮递员的工作需要细心和耐心,确保邮件的准确投递。

17. 邮递员的制服是他们的职业标志,方便人们辨认。

18. 邮递员需要熟悉所负责的投递区域,以便高效地投递邮件。

19. 邮递员需要与客户保持良好的沟通和关系。

20. 邮递员在投递邮件时需要遵守相关的安全规定和程序。

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