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时间: 2024-09-21 08:01:08


1. The manager of the store is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations.


2. The project manager is in charge of coordinating the efforts of the team.


3. The manager will be holding a meeting to discuss the new company policies.


4. The manager approved my request for time off next week.


5. The restaurant manager greeted the customers at the door.


6. The manager's decision to expand the business was met with enthusiasm from the staff.


7. The manager is known for being fair and approachable.


8. The sales manager is responsible for setting targets and motivating the sales team.


9. The manager has a reputation for being a strong leader.


10. The manager's main role is to ensure that the team is working efficiently.


11. 经理必须具备领导团队和管理业务的能力。

12. 公司的总经理将会在下周的会议上发表重要讲话。

13. 他是一位善于沟通和协调的优秀经理。

14. 这位经理对员工的培训和发展非常重视。

15. 经理对公司的发展有着清晰的愿景和计划。

16. 她是一位非常有组织能力的经理,能够有效地分配任务和资源。

17. 经理在公司的决策中发挥着关键作用。

18. 这位经理以其果断的决策而著称。

19. 公司的经理团队正在制定新的市场营销策略。

20. 经理需要具备良好的人际关系技巧,以便有效地管理团队。

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