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时间: 2024-09-21 10:19:33


1. She is responsible for managing the budget of the company. (她负责管理公司的预算。)

2. The team did a great job managing the project under tight deadlines. (团队在紧迫的截止日期下管理项目做得很好。)

3. Managing a team of diverse individuals requires strong leadership skills. (管理一支多样化的团队需要强大的领导技能。)

4. He has experience managing large-scale events and conferences. (他有管理大型活动和会议的经验。)

5. The key to managing stress is finding healthy coping mechanisms. (管理压力的关键是找到健康的应对机制。)

6. Managing multiple tasks simultaneously can be challenging but rewarding. (同时管理多项任务可能具有挑战性,但也很有回报。)

7. She excels in managing complex logistical operations. (她擅长管理复杂的后勤运营。)

8. Effective time management is crucial for successfully managing a busy schedule. (有效的时间管理对成功管理繁忙的日程表至关重要。)

9. Managing a household and raising children is a full-time job in itself. (管理一个家庭和抚养孩子本身就是一份全职工作。)

10. The CEO is responsible for managing the overall direction and strategy of the company. (CEO负责管理公司的整体方向和战略。)

11. Managing a crisis requires quick decision-making and clear communication. (管理危机需要快速决策和清晰沟通。)

12. She is skilled at managing interpersonal conflicts within the team. (她擅长处理团队内部的人际冲突。)

13. Managing a remote team requires effective communication and trust-building. (管理远程团队需要有效的沟通和建立信任。)

14. The supervisor is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the department. (主管负责管理部门的日常运营。)

15. Managing finances wisely is essential for long-term financial stability. (明智地管理财务对于长期的财务稳定至关重要。)

16. The project manager is skilled at managing resources to maximize efficiency. (项目经理擅长管理资源以最大化效率。)

17. Managing expectations is an important aspect of maintaining healthy relationships. (管理期望是保持健康关系的重要方面。)

18. She has a talent for managing complex negotiations and finding win-win solutions. (她擅长处理复杂的谈判,并找到双赢的解决方案。)

19. Managing a large-scale renovation project requires attention to detail and strong organization skills. (管理大规模的装修项目需要注重细节和强大的组织技能。)

20. The team is responsible for managing the distribution of products to various regions. (团队负责管理产品的分配到各个地区。)

上一个 【英语】manager的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】mankind的例句




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