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时间: 2024-09-20 06:43:59


1. The soldiers march in perfect formation.


2. We will march to the beat of the drum.


3. The protesters will march to the government building.


4. The students decided to march in support of the striking teachers.


5. The band will march in the parade.


6. They will march for miles to reach the destination.


7. The soldiers march in unison.


8. The protesters will march through the streets.


9. The band will march onto the field for the halftime show.


10. The workers will march to demand better working conditions.


11. The troops will march across the battlefield.


12. They will march with determination and purpose.


13. The protesters will march peacefully to express their grievances.


14. The parade will march through the city center.


15. The soldiers march in time with the music.


16. They will march in solidarity with the oppressed.


17. The band will march in the competition.


18. The protesters will march for equality and justice.


19. The troops will march to the border.


20. They will march in memory of the fallen heroes.


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