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时间: 2024-09-19 17:23:12


1. The length of the room is 5 metres.(这个房间的长度是5米。)

2. He sprinted the last 100 metres of the race.(他在比赛最后100米冲刺。)

3. The speed limit is 60 kilometres per hour.(限速是每小时60公里。)

4. The garden hose is 20 metres long.(花园的水管有20米长。)

5. The marathon is 42.195 kilometres long.(马拉松赛程是42.195公里。)

6. The fabric is sold by the metre.(这种织物按米来销售。)

7. The depth of the swimming pool is 3 metres.(游泳池的深度是3米。)

8. The construction workers laid down 50 metres of pipe.(建筑工人铺设了50米的管道。)

9. The runner crossed the finish line in just 10.5 seconds for the 100 metres.(这名跑步者在100米赛跑中只用了10.5秒冲过终点线。)

10. The table is 1.5 metres long.(这张桌子有1.5米长。)

11. The fabric costs $10 per metre.(这种织物每米售价为10美元。)

12. The fisherman caught a 2-metre-long shark.(渔夫捕获了一条2米长的鲨鱼。)

13. The distance between the two cities is 300 kilometres.(这两个城市之间的距离是300公里。)

14. The height of the tree is over 10 metres.(这棵树的高度超过10米。)

15. The cloth was measured in metres and cut accordingly.(这块布按米来量并做了相应的切割。)

16. The athlete set a new record in the 200 metres race.(这名运动员在200米赛跑中创造了新纪录。)

17. The teacher asked the students to measure the length of the classroom in metres.(老师让学生们用米来测量教室的长度。)

18. The car traveled 500 kilometres on a single tank of gas.(这辆汽车一箱油能行驶500公里。)

19. The rope is 30 metres long.(这根绳子有30米长。)

20. The runner completed the 400 metres race in under a minute.(这名跑步者在不到一分钟内完成了400米赛跑。)



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