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时间: 2024-09-19 17:05:58


1. The mineral water from the spring is known for its high mineral content. 矿泉水出自泉水,以其高矿物质含量而著称。

2. The geologist discovered a new deposit of valuable minerals in the mountains. 地质学家在山区发现了一处新的有价值的矿产。

3. Iron is an essential mineral for the human body, necessary for the production of red blood cells. 铁是人体必需的矿物质,对于红细胞的产生是必要的。

4. The jewelry store specializes in selling rare and precious minerals such as diamonds and emeralds. 这家珠宝店专门销售稀有和珍贵的矿物,如钻石和翡翠。

5. The mineral content in the soil determines the fertility and suitability for agriculture. 土壤中的矿物含量决定了其肥力和适宜农业的程度。

6. Calcium is a mineral that is crucial for maintaining strong bones and teeth. 钙是维持强壮骨骼和牙齿的关键矿物质。

7. The mineral deposits in the region attracted mining companies looking for new sources of resources. 该地区的矿床吸引了寻找新资源来源的采矿公司。

8. The spa offers treatments using mineral-rich mud to promote skin health and rejuvenation. 温泉疗养院提供使用富含矿物质的泥浆进行护理,以促进皮肤健康和恢复。

9. Some animals have the ability to seek out specific minerals in their environment to supplement their diets. 一些动物有能力在环境中寻找特定的矿物质来补充它们的饮食。

10. The mineralogist carefully examined the crystal structure of the newly discovered mineral. 矿物学家仔细地研究了新发现矿物的晶体结构。

11. The mineral deposits in the area have been a source of economic prosperity for the local community. 该地区的矿产储量一直是当地社区经济繁荣的源泉。

12. Magnesium is a mineral that plays a key role in many biochemical reactions within the body. 镁是一种在人体内许多生化反应中起着关键作用的矿物质。

13. The mineralogical museum houses a diverse collection of rare and beautiful minerals from around the world. 矿物学博物馆收藏了来自世界各地的稀有而美丽的矿物。

14. The mineral-rich volcanic soil in the region is ideal for growing certain crops. 该地区富含矿物质的火山土壤非常适合种植某些作物。

15. The mineral water is bottled directly from natural springs, preserving its purity and mineral content. 这种矿泉水直接从天然泉水中装瓶,保持了其纯净度和矿物质含量。

16. The mineralogist identified the mineral sample as a rare form of quartz with unique crystal patterns. 矿物学家鉴定了矿物样本为一种罕见的石英形式,具有独特的晶体图案。

17. The government regulates the extraction of minerals to ensure sustainable use and environmental protection. 政府规定了对矿产的开采以确保可持续利用和环境保护。

18. The mineral deficiency in the soil led to poor crop yields and agricultural productivity. 土壤中的矿物质缺乏导致了糟糕的作物产量和农业生产力。

19. The mineralogist used a microscope to examine the intricate details of the mineral sample. 矿物学家使用显微镜来检查矿物样本的复杂细节。

20. The mineral composition of the rock formation indicated the presence of valuable ores in the area. 岩石形成的矿物组成表明了该地区有宝贵矿石的存在。

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