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时间: 2024-09-20 06:33:44


1. She was moderately successful in her career, achieving a comfortable level of income.(她在事业上取得了适度的成功,获得了舒适的收入。)

2. The restaurant was moderately busy on a weekday evening, with a steady stream of customers.(餐厅在工作日的晚上适度地忙碌,客人络绎不绝。)

3. He was only moderately interested in the new movie, as it didn't seem particularly original.(他对这部新电影只是颇感兴趣,因为它似乎并不特别新颖。)

4. The weather was moderately warm, making it pleasant to spend time outdoors.(天气适度地温暖,使得户外活动很愉快。)

5. She spoke moderately, trying to convey her point without being overly forceful.(她说话适度地,试图表达自己的观点而不显得过分强势。)

6. The company's profits increased moderately over the past year, showing steady growth.(公司的利润在过去一年适度增长,表现出稳健的增长。)

7. He was only moderately skilled at playing the piano, but he enjoyed it as a hobby.(他在弹钢琴方面只有适度的技能,但他把它当作一种爱好。)

8. The hike was moderately challenging, with some steep sections but overall manageable.(这次徒步旅行适度具有挑战性,有些陡峭的路段,但总体上还是可以应对的。)

9. The book received moderately positive reviews, with some critics praising its originality.(这本书收到了适度积极的评论,一些评论家赞扬了它的独创性。)

10. She was only moderately satisfied with the new car, as it didn't meet all of her expectations.(她对这辆新车只是适度满意,因为它没有达到她所有的期望。)


1. 她在事业上取得了适度的成功,获得了舒适的收入。

2. 餐厅在工作日的晚上适度地忙碌,客人络绎不绝。

3. 他对这部新电影只是颇感兴趣,因为它似乎并不特别新颖。

4. 天气适度地温暖,使得户外活动很愉快。

5. 她说话适度地,试图表达自己的观点而不显得过分强势。

6. 公司的利润在过去一年适度增长,表现出稳健的增长。

7. 他在弹钢琴方面只有适度的技能,但他把它当作一种爱好。

8. 这次徒步旅行适度具有挑战性,有些陡峭的路段,但总体上还是可以应对的。

9. 这本书收到了适度积极的评论,一些评论家赞扬了它的独创性。

10. 她对这辆新车只是适度满意,因为它没有达到她所有的期望。

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