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时间: 2024-09-19 17:15:41


1. I need to import the math module to perform complex calculations.


2. The module provides a set of functions for data analysis and visualization.


3. Each department is responsible for a specific module of the project.


4. The students will be studying the biology module next semester.


5. The software developer created a new module to enhance the program's functionality.


6. 这个模块包含了所有的安全功能。

(This module contains all the security features.)

7. 我们需要一个新的模块来处理这个特定的问题。

(We need a new module to handle this specific issue.)

8. 这个软件的一个模块出现了故障,需要立即修复。

(One module of the software has malfunctioned and needs to be fixed immediately.)

9. 他们正在设计一个新的模块,以加快生产速度。

(They are designing a new module to increase production speed.)

10. 这个模块提供了一系列工具,用于简化日常任务。

(This module provides a set of tools to simplify daily tasks.)

11. The module on cultural diversity helped the employees understand the importance of inclusivity.


12. The engineering team is working on a new module for the car's navigation system.


13. 这个模块的主要功能是收集和分析市场数据。

(The main function of this module is to collect and analyze market data.)

14. 学生们需要通过这个模块的测试才能获得学分。

(Students need to pass the test of this module to earn credits.)

15. 这个模块将使我们能够更有效地跟踪库存。

(This module will allow us to track inventory more efficiently.)

16. 这个模块的更新使得软件更加稳定和可靠。

(The update of this module makes the software more stable and reliable.)

17. 这个模块包括了所有的销售和营销工具。

(This module includes all the sales and marketing tools.)

18. 我们需要一个专门的模块来处理客户的投诉。

(We need a dedicated module to handle customer complaints.)

19. 这个模块将为我们提供更好的数据保护和隐私保障。

(This module will provide us with better data protection and privacy assurance.)

20. 这个模块的功能是为了提高团队的协作效率。

(The function of this module is to improve team collaboration efficiency.)

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