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时间: 2024-09-18 13:10:21


1. The car's motor was making a strange noise, so I took it to the mechanic for a check-up.(汽车的发动机发出奇怪的声音,所以我把它送到修理厂进行检查。)

2. She learned how to repair the motor of the boat so she could go fishing on her own.(她学会了如何修理船的发动机,这样她就可以自己去钓鱼了。)

3. The motor of the elevator broke down, causing a delay in the building.(电梯的电动机坏了,导致了楼房的延误。)

4. The electric motor in the fan stopped working, so we had to use manual fans.(风扇里的电动机停止工作了,所以我们不得不使用手摇扇。)

5. The motor of the generator needs regular maintenance to ensure it runs smoothly.(发电机的电动机需要定期维护,以确保它正常运行。)

6. The boat's motor roared to life as the captain started it up.(船长启动船的发动机,发动机轰鸣着启动了。)

7. The motor of the washing machine is very powerful and can handle large loads of laundry.(洗衣机的电动机非常强大,可以处理大量的衣物。)

8. The motor of the lawnmower needs to be replaced because it's not working properly.(割草机的发动机需要更换,因为它工作不正常。)

9. The motor of the motorcycle roared as it sped down the highway.(摩托车的发动机在高速公路上呼啸着加速。)

10. The small boat's motor was not powerful enough to navigate through the strong currents.(小船的发动机不够强大,无法穿过湍急的水流。)

11. 他们正在研究一种新型的电动机,可以提高汽车的燃油效率。(They are developing a new type of motor that can improve the fuel efficiency of cars.)

12. 这个电动机的设计非常紧凑,可以用于小型家用电器。(The design of this motor is very compact and can be used in small household appliances.)

13. 他们发现发电机的电动机出了问题,需要立即修理。(They found a problem with the motor of the generator and need to repair it immediately.)

14. 这个小型电动机的功率非常高,可以用于无人机和机器人。(The power of this small electric motor is very high and can be used in drones and robots.)

15. 汽车的发动机需要定期更换机油和滤芯以保持良好的工作状态。(The car's motor needs regular oil changes and filter replacements to maintain good working condition.)

16. 这个发电机的电动机采用了最新的节能技术,可以降低能源消耗。(The motor of this generator uses the latest energy-saving technology to reduce energy consumption.)

17. 这个电动机的设计非常革命性,可以在电动汽车领域有着重大的应用前景。(The design of this motor is revolutionary and has great potential for application in the field of electric vehicles.)

18. 由于发动机故障,飞机被迫返航。(Due to a motor failure, the plane was forced to return to the airport.)

19. 这个工厂使用了先进的电动机设备,提高了生产效率。(The factory uses advanced motor equipment, which has improved production efficiency.)

20. 这款电动机的耐用性非常好,可以在恶劣的工作环境下长时间使用。(The durability of this motor is very good, and it can be used for a long time in harsh working environments.)

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