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时间: 2024-09-20 06:46:28


1. The skydiver pulled the ripcord and the parachute opened, slowing his descent to the ground.(跳伞者拉动了拉绳,降落伞张开,减缓了他的下降速度。)

2. The pilot made an emergency landing using the parachute after the engine failed.(飞行员在发动机失灵后使用降落伞进行紧急着陆。)

3. The parachute slowly drifted down to the ground, gently carrying the skydiver with it.(降落伞慢慢飘落到地面,轻轻地带着跳伞者降落。)

4. The military unit trained extensively on how to use a parachute for airborne operations.(军事单位进行了大量训练,学习如何使用降落伞进行空降作战。)

5. Before skydiving, it's important to check the parachute thoroughly to ensure it's in good condition.(进行跳伞前,重要的是要彻底检查降落伞,确保它处于良好状态。)

6. The rescue team dropped supplies to the stranded hikers using a parachute.(救援队用降落伞向滞留的徒步者投送了物资。)

7. The parachute malfunctioned, causing the skydiver to have a hard landing and sustain injuries.(降落伞出现故障,导致跳伞者硬着陆并受伤。)

8. The pilot skillfully deployed the parachute, bringing the aircraft safely to the ground.(飞行员熟练地展开了降落伞,安全地将飞机降落到地面。)

9. The parachute opened with a whoosh, filling the skydiver with a sense of relief.(降落伞发出一阵啸声张开,让跳伞者感到一阵宽慰。)

10. The parachute allowed the astronaut to descend safely from the spacecraft back to Earth.(降落伞使宇航员能够安全地从太空船返回地球。)

11. 他们使用降落伞从飞机上跳下来。

12. 他们在紧急情况下使用降落伞逃生。

13. 他们用降落伞投放了医疗物资。

14. 降落伞打开后,他们缓缓地飘落到地面上。

15. 他们在飞机失事后成功使用了降落伞。

16. 他们在空中进行了训练,学会了如何使用降落伞。

17. 他们检查了降落伞,确保它完好无损。

18. 降落伞出现了故障,导致跳伞者受伤。

19. 飞行员成功地使用降落伞,将飞机安全地降落到地面上。

20. 降落伞在空中张开,让他们感到一阵宽慰。

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