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时间: 2024-09-19 11:35:44


1. The movie had English subtitles for the foreign language scenes. (这部电影在外语场景中有英文字幕。)

2. The subtitle of the book gave a hint about the plot. (书的副标题暗示了情节。)

3. The subtitle at the bottom of the screen translated the dialogue into Spanish. (屏幕底部的副标题将对话翻译成了西班牙语。)

4. The subtitle was too small to read from the back of the room. (副标题太小了,从房间后面根本看不清。)

5. The subtitle of the article summarized the main points. (文章的副标题总结了主要观点。)

6. The movie was in French, but there were English subtitles. (这部电影是法语的,但有英文字幕。)

7. The subtitle on the poster clarified the genre of the film. (海报上的副标题澄清了影片的类型。)

8. The subtitle on the video explained the historical context. (视频上的副标题解释了历史背景。)

9. She watched the foreign film with English subtitles. (她用英文字幕观看了这部外语电影。)

10. The subtitle of the documentary provided additional information. (纪录片的副标题提供了额外的信息。)

11. The subtitle of the presentation highlighted the key takeaways. (演示文稿的副标题突出了主要观点。)

12. The subtitle was displayed in a different color to make it easier to read. (副标题用不同颜色显示,以便更容易阅读。)

13. The subtitle of the news article summarized the event. (新闻文章的副标题总结了事件。)

14. The subtitle of the TV show was translated into multiple languages. (这个电视节目的副标题被翻译成了多种语言。)

15. The subtitle of the movie revealed a hidden message. (电影的副标题揭示了一个隐含的信息。)

16. The subtitle of the song provided a deeper understanding of the lyrics. (这首歌的副标题提供了对歌词更深层次的理解。)

17. The subtitle of the play set the tone for the audience. (这部戏剧的副标题为观众设定了基调。)

18. The subtitle of the novel hinted at the story's twist. (这部小说的副标题暗示了故事的转折。)

19. The subtitle of the article summarized the main argument. (文章的副标题总结了主要论点。)

20. The subtitle of the video described the scene for viewers with hearing impairments. (视频的副标题为听力受损的观众描述了场景。)

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