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时间: 2024-09-19 17:24:39


1. I made a transaction at the bank to transfer money to my friend's account.(我在银行进行了一笔交易,将钱转到了朋友的账户。)

2. The company recorded every transaction in their financial statements.(公司在财务报表中记录了每一笔交易。)

3. The online transaction was completed successfully, and I received the confirmation email.(网上交易成功完成,我收到了确认邮件。)

4. The transaction history on my credit card statement showed unauthorized charges.(信用卡账单上的交易记录显示了未经授权的费用。)

5. The real estate transaction went smoothly, and the property was officially transferred to the new owner.(房地产交易进行顺利,房产正式转让给了新业主。)

6. The transaction was declined due to insufficient funds in the account.(由于账户资金不足,该交易被拒绝了。)

7. The transaction process may take a few business days to complete.(交易过程可能需要几个工作日才能完成。)

8. She carefully reviewed the terms and conditions before confirming the transaction.(她在确认交易前仔细审查了条款和条件。)

9. The transaction fee for international transfers is higher than domestic ones.(国际转账的交易费用比国内转账高。)

10. The transaction was flagged as suspicious and required further verification.(该交易被标记为可疑交易,需要进一步验证。)

11. 我在商店进行了一笔交易,买了一些衣服。

12. 公司的交易记录显示了大量的客户订单。

13. 网上交易完成后,我收到了电子邮件确认。

14. 信用卡账单上的交易记录显示了未经授权的支出。

15. 这次房地产交易进行得很顺利,房产已经转让给了新的业主。

16. 由于账户资金不足,该交易被拒绝了。

17. 交易过程可能需要几个工作日才能完成。

18. 她在确认交易前仔细审查了条款和条件。

19. 国际转账的交易费用比国内转账高。

20. 该交易被标记为可疑交易,需要进一步验证。

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