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时间: 2024-09-18 18:50:09


1. The turbulent waters made it difficult for the boat to stay afloat. (汹涌的水流使得船只难以保持浮力。)

2. The turbulent weather caused flight delays at the airport. (狂风暴雨的天气导致了机场航班延误。)

3. The country is going through a turbulent period of political unrest. (这个国家正在经历政治动荡的时期。)

4. The turbulent emotions of the character made for a gripping performance. (角色内心的激动不安情绪使得表演扣人心弦。)

5. The turbulent market conditions have made it difficult for businesses to thrive. (动荡的市场状况使得企业难以蓬勃发展。)

6. The turbulent history of the region has left a lasting impact on its people. (这个地区动荡的历史给当地人民留下了深远的影响。)

7. The turbulent winds whipped through the trees, causing branches to break. (狂风呼啸着穿过树林,导致树枝折断。)

8. The turbulent relationship between the two countries escalated into a full-blown conflict. (两国之间动荡的关系升级为全面冲突。)

9. The turbulent political climate led to widespread protests and demonstrations. (政治动荡的氛围导致了大规模的抗议和示威活动。)

10. The turbulent waves crashed against the shore, creating a dramatic scene. (汹涌的海浪冲击着海岸,营造出壮观的景象。)

11. Despite the turbulent start, the project eventually found its footing and became successful. (尽管起步艰难,但项目最终找到了立足点并取得了成功。)

12. The company struggled to navigate through the turbulent economic conditions. (公司艰难应对动荡的经济状况。)

13. The turbulent atmosphere in the classroom made it difficult for the students to concentrate. (课堂上的动荡氛围使得学生难以集中注意力。)

14. The turbulent political landscape created uncertainty and anxiety among the citizens. (政治动荡的局势给市民带来了不确定性和焦虑。)

15. The turbulent history of the region has shaped its culture and identity. (这个地区动荡的历史塑造了它的文化和身份。)

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