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时间: 2024-09-20 11:25:53


1. She was consumed by rage when she found out about his betrayal. 她发现他背叛自己时,愤怒填膺。

2. The crowd's rage boiled over into violence. 人群的愤怒沸腾成了暴力。

3. His rage at the injustice was palpable in his voice. 他对不公的愤怒在他的声音中是可以感受到的。

4. The driver's road rage led to a dangerous confrontation. 驾驶员的路怒导致了一场危险的对峙。

5. She struggled to contain her rage at the unfair treatment. 她努力控制自己对不公平待遇的愤怒。

6. The rage in his eyes was frightening. 他眼中的愤怒令人害怕。

7. He punched the wall in a fit of rage. 他愤怒地砸了一下墙。

8. The injustice of the situation filled her with rage. 情况的不公让她充满了愤怒。

9. His rage blinded him to reason. 他的愤怒使他失去了理智。

10. The rage in the comments section was overwhelming. 评论区的愤怒势不可挡。

11. She shook with rage as she confronted the liar. 她面对撒谎者时愤怒得发抖。

12. The rage of the protestors was directed at the corrupt government. 抗议者的愤怒是针对腐败的政府的。

13. His rage flared up at the slightest provocation. 他一点点挑衅就暴跳如雷。

14. The teacher struggled to calm the student's rage. 老师努力平息学生的愤怒。

15. The rage in her heart burned hotter with each passing moment. 她心中的愤怒随着时间的推移而变得更加炽热。

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