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时间: 2024-09-20 09:12:19


1. It is rational to save money for the future in case of emergencies. (合理的)

2. She made a rational decision based on careful analysis of the situation. (理性的)

3. The company's decision to expand into international markets was a rational move. (明智的)

4. It's not rational to be afraid of spiders; they are usually harmless. (理智的)

5. The rational approach to problem-solving involves evaluating all possible solutions. (理性的)

6. It's rational to consider the long-term consequences of your actions. (合理的)

7. He presented a rational argument that convinced everyone in the room. (理性的)

8. It's not rational to believe in superstitions and myths without evidence. (合理的)

9. The rational thing to do in this situation is to seek professional help. (明智的)

10. A rational person would carefully consider the risks before making a major investment. (理性的)

11. 她做出了一个合理的决定,基于对情况的仔细分析。(rational)

12. 公司进军国际市场的决定是一个合理的举措。(rational)

13. 对蜘蛛感到恐惧是不合理的;它们通常是无害的。(rational)

14. 理性的问题解决方法涉及评估所有可能的解决方案。(rational)

15. 在这种情况下,明智的做法是寻求专业帮助。(rational)

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