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时间: 2024-09-20 06:49:58


1. The ancient temple was considered a sacred place of worship. (古代的寺庙被视为神圣的崇拜场所。)

2. The sacred texts of the religion are revered by its followers. (这种宗教的神圣文本受到其信徒的崇敬。)

3. It is important to respect the sacred traditions of the indigenous people. (尊重土著人民的神圣传统是很重要的。)

4. The ritual was performed in a sacred manner to honor the ancestors. (仪式以神圣的方式进行,以尊敬祖先。)

5. The sacred symbol represents the unity of all living beings. (这个神圣的符号代表着所有生物的统一。)

6. The sacred fire is kept burning throughout the night as part of the ceremony. (神圣的火在整个夜晚保持燃烧,作为仪式的一部分。)

7. The elders passed down the sacred knowledge to the younger generation. (长者将神圣的知识传承给了年轻一代。)

8. The sacred river is believed to have healing powers. (人们相信这条神圣的河流具有治愈的力量。)

9. Visitors are asked to show respect for the sacred grounds. (访客被要求尊重神圣的土地。)

10. The sacred music filled the temple with a sense of peace and tranquility. (神圣的音乐使寺庙充满了平静和宁静的感觉。)

11. The sacred ceremony was conducted with great solemnity and reverence. (神圣的仪式以庄严和崇敬的方式进行。)

12. The sacred relics were carefully preserved in the museum. (神圣的遗物在博物馆里得到了精心的保存。)

13. It is forbidden to enter the sacred site without permission. (未经允许禁止进入神圣的场所。)

14. The sacred tree is believed to possess spiritual significance. (人们相信这棵神圣的树具有精神上的重要性。)

15. The sacred vows were exchanged in front of the entire community. (神圣的誓言在整个社区面前交换。)

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