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时间: 2024-09-20 03:01:15


1. Many people enjoy the peacefulness of rural life, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.(许多人喜欢农村生活的宁静,远离城市的喧嚣。)

2. The rural landscape was dotted with small farms and rolling hills.(农村的风景点缀着小农场和起伏的小山丘。)

3. She grew up in a rural village, surrounded by fields and forests.(她在一个农村村庄长大,四周是田野和森林。)

4. The lack of public transportation makes it difficult for rural residents to access essential services.(缺乏公共交通使农村居民难以获得基本服务。)

5. Many rural communities rely on agriculture as their primary source of income.(许多农村社区依赖农业作为主要收入来源。)

6. The rural school struggled to attract and retain qualified teachers.(农村学校努力吸引并留住合格的教师。)

7. The rural population is often underserved in terms of healthcare access.(农村人口在医疗保健方面通常得不到充分服务。)

8. The government has implemented programs to improve infrastructure in rural areas.(政府已经实施了改善农村基础设施的计划。)

9. Living in a rural area can provide a strong sense of community and connection with nature.(生活在农村地区可以给人一种强烈的社区感和与自然的联系。)

10. The rural economy has been impacted by changes in trade and technology.(农村经济受到贸易和技术变化的影响。)

11. Many people choose to retire in rural areas for a quieter and more affordable lifestyle.(许多人选择在农村地区退休,以过上更宁静和更经济实惠的生活方式。)

12. The rural community came together to support each other during the natural disaster.(农村社区团结一致,在自然灾害期间互相支持。)

13. The rural environment provides a great opportunity for outdoor activities such as hiking and fishing.(农村环境为徒步旅行和钓鱼等户外活动提供了很好的机会。)

14. The rural charm of the small town attracted many visitors seeking a peaceful getaway.(小镇的农村魅力吸引了许多寻求宁静度假的游客。)

15. Despite its rural setting, the area is not lacking in cultural and artistic activities.(尽管处于农村环境,该地区并不缺乏文化和艺术活动。)

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