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时间: 2024-09-18 19:01:22


1. The train entered the tunnel with a loud roar. (火车发出巨大的轰鸣声进入了隧道。)

2. The tunnel was dark and damp, with water dripping from the ceiling. (隧道又黑又潮湿,天花板上滴水不断。)

3. The tunnel was built to provide a shortcut through the mountain. (隧道被修建成为穿过山脉的捷径。)

4. The car's headlights illuminated the tunnel as it drove through. (汽车驶过时,车灯照亮了隧道。)

5. The workers were busy digging the tunnel with heavy machinery. (工人们正在用重型机械忙着挖掘隧道。)

6. The tunnel collapsed, trapping several miners inside. (隧道坍塌了,困住了几名矿工。)

7. The tunnel is a vital link between the two cities. (这条隧道是两座城市之间重要的交通枢纽。)

8. The light at the end of the tunnel gave the trapped hikers hope. (隧道尽头的光亮给被困的徒步者带来了希望。)

9. The tunnel was designed to withstand earthquakes and other natural disasters. (隧道被设计成能经受地震和其他自然灾害。)

10. The authorities closed the tunnel due to heavy snowfall. (当局因为大雪封闭了隧道。)

11. The tunnel was lined with concrete to reinforce its structure. (隧道内部用混凝土加固结构。)

12. The tunnel's ventilation system ensured fresh air for the commuters. (隧道的通风系统确保通勤者有新鲜空气。)

13. The newly constructed tunnel reduced travel time by half. (新建的隧道将行程时间减少了一半。)

14. The tunnel was excavated through solid rock over several years. (隧道是在数年时间里挖掘穿过坚硬的岩石而成的。)

15. The tunnel's construction required extensive planning and engineering expertise. (隧道的建设需要大量的规划和工程专业知识。)

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