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时间: 2024-09-20 14:46:41


1. Eating a balanced diet is essential to nourish your body and maintain good health. (吃均衡的饮食对滋养身体和保持健康至关重要。)

2. The mother bird brings back food to nourish her young chicks. (母鸟带回食物来滋养她的小鸟。)

3. This face cream is designed to nourish and hydrate your skin. (这款面霜旨在滋养和保湿你的皮肤。)

4. The community center provides meals to nourish the homeless and those in need. (社区中心提供餐食以滋养无家可归者和有需要的人。)

5. The love and support of her friends helped nourish her spirit during a difficult time. (朋友们的爱和支持在她困难时期滋养了她的精神。)

6. The rich soil in the valley nourishes the crops and allows for a bountiful harvest. (山谷里肥沃的土壤滋养着庄稼,使得丰收。)

7. It's important to nourish your relationships with care and attention. (重要的是用关心和关注来滋养你的人际关系。)

8. The charity organization works to nourish the minds of underprivileged children through education and mentorship. (慈善组织通过教育和指导来滋养贫困儿童的心灵。)

9. The music festival aims to nourish the local arts community by showcasing talented artists and performers. (音乐节旨在通过展示才华横溢的艺术家和表演者来滋养当地的艺术界。)

10. A healthy environment is crucial to nourish the growth of young plants. (健康的环境对滋养年轻植物的生长至关重要。)

11. The mentor's guidance and advice helped nourish the young entrepreneur's business acumen. (导师的指导和建议帮助滋养了年轻企业家的商业头脑。)

12. Regular exercise and physical activity are important to nourish the body and maintain fitness. (定期锻炼和体育活动对滋养身体和保持健康至关重要。)

13. The chef uses fresh, high-quality ingredients to nourish the diners with delicious and nutritious meals. (厨师使用新鲜、高质量的食材来用美味和营养丰富的餐点来滋养食客。)

14. Reading books and expanding one's knowledge can nourish the mind and stimulate intellectual growth. (阅读书籍和扩展知识可以滋养心灵并激发智力成长。)

15. The company's corporate social responsibility initiatives aim to nourish the local community through various charitable projects. (公司的企业社会责任计划旨在通过各种慈善项目来滋养当地社区。)

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