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时间: 2024-09-20 13:05:42


1. Despite the challenges, she maintained her optimism and believed that things would eventually work out for the best.(尽管面临挑战,她保持乐观,相信事情最终会好转。)

2. His optimism about the future of the company inspired his colleagues to work harder and strive for success.(他对公司未来的乐观态度激励了同事们更加努力地工作,争取成功。)

3. The optimism of the young couple was infectious, spreading positivity and hope to those around them.(这对年轻夫妇的乐观态度是一种感染力,给周围的人传递了积极和希望。)

4. Despite the setbacks, she always maintained an unwavering sense of optimism, refusing to let negativity bring her down.(尽管遭遇挫折,她始终保持着坚定的乐观态度,拒绝让消极情绪影响自己。)

5. The optimism expressed by the speaker resonated with the audience, leaving them feeling hopeful and inspired.(演讲者表达的乐观态度与听众产生共鸣,让他们感到充满希望和受到鼓舞。)

6. Despite the difficult circumstances, his optimism never wavered, serving as a source of strength and resilience for those around him.(尽管环境艰难,他的乐观从未动摇,成为周围人的力量和韧性之源。)

7. The optimism of the team leader was instrumental in guiding the group through tough times and maintaining morale.(团队领袖的乐观态度在引导团队度过艰难时期和保持士气方面发挥了关键作用。)

8. Despite the uncertainty, she clung to her optimism, believing that better days were ahead.(尽管前途未卜,她仍然坚持乐观,相信美好的日子就在前方。)

9. His unwavering optimism in the face of adversity inspired others to adopt a similar positive outlook.(在逆境中不动摇的乐观态度激励了其他人采取类似的积极态度。)

10. The optimism of the community leaders helped rally the residents together in the aftermath of the disaster, fostering a sense of unity and hope.(社区领袖的乐观态度在灾难过后帮助鼓舞居民团结一致,培养了一种团结和希望的感觉。)

11. Despite the setbacks, her optimism never faltered, serving as a guiding light for those around her.(尽管遭受挫折,她的乐观从未动摇,成为周围人的指引之光。)

12. The optimism of the coach inspired the team to push through challenges and achieve their goals.(教练的乐观态度鼓舞了球队克服挑战,实现他们的目标。)

13. His optimism in the face of uncertainty was a source of comfort and encouragement for those around him.(在不确定性面前,他的乐观态度成为周围人的安慰和鼓励。)

14. The optimism of the volunteers was contagious, spreading a sense of hope and positivity throughout the community.(志愿者的乐观态度具有感染力,为整个社区传递了希望和积极性。)

15. Despite the odds, she held onto her optimism, believing in the power of positivity to overcome challenges.(尽管机会渺茫,她仍然坚持乐观,相信积极性的力量可以克服挑战。)

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