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时间: 2024-09-20 06:43:09


1. The timely intervention of the firefighters saved the building from burning down. 及时的

2. It's important to provide timely feedback to employees in order to improve performance. 及时的

3. The timely arrival of the ambulance saved the accident victim's life. 及时的

4. The company made a timely decision to invest in new technology, which helped them stay ahead of the competition. 及时的

5. The timely release of the new product coincided with a peak in consumer demand. 及时的

6. Timely payment of bills is crucial to maintaining a good credit score. 及时的

7. The government's timely response to the natural disaster helped minimize the impact on the affected communities. 及时的

8. Timely completion of the project allowed us to meet the deadline. 及时的

9. It's important to seek timely medical attention for any health concerns. 及时的

10. The teacher's timely reminder helped the students prepare for the upcoming exam. 及时的

11. 他的及时回应帮助我们解决了问题。

12. 她的出现正是及时的,挽救了局势。

13. 我们需要及时更新这份报告。

14. 他的及时警告防止了更加严重的事故。

15. 这份文件的及时提交对我们的项目进度至关重要。

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