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时间: 2024-09-19 17:07:01


1. I have been practicing the piano for years, and I finally feel confident enough to perform in front of an audience. (我已经练习钢琴多年了,终于觉得有足够的信心在观众面前表演。)

2. The piano teacher instructed her students to focus on dynamics and expression in their playing. (钢琴老师指导她的学生在演奏时专注于动态和表现。)

3. The sound of the piano filled the room with a sense of tranquility and beauty. (钢琴的声音充满了房间,带来了宁静和美感。)

4. She sat down at the piano and began to play a hauntingly beautiful melody. (她坐在钢琴前开始演奏一段令人心醉的美妙旋律。)

5. The piano keys were worn from years of use but still produced a rich, resonant sound. (钢琴键因多年使用而磨损,但仍然发出浑厚、共鸣的声音。)

6. He composed a new piece for solo piano, drawing inspiration from nature and the changing seasons. (他创作了一首独奏钢琴曲,从自然和不断变化的季节中汲取灵感。)

7. The piano recital showcased the talents of young musicians from the local community. (钢琴独奏音乐会展示了当地社区年轻音乐家的才华。)

8. As a child, she would spend hours practicing the piano, determined to master each piece she attempted. (小时候,她花了几个小时练习钢琴,决心要掌握她尝试的每一首曲子。)

9. The piano echoed through the concert hall, captivating the audience with its emotive melodies. (钢琴声在音乐厅中回荡,用其充满感情的旋律迷住了观众。)

10. Her fingers danced across the piano keys, producing a cascade of beautiful notes. (她的手指在钢琴键上舞动,演奏出一连串美妙的音符。)

11. The piano was the centerpiece of the room, its elegant design drawing admiring glances from all who entered. (钢琴是房间的焦点,它优雅的设计吸引着所有进入的人仰慕的目光。)

12. The piano accompanied the singer, adding depth and richness to the performance. (钢琴伴奏歌手,为演出增添了深度和丰富感。)

13. She carefully lifted the lid of the piano, revealing the intricate inner workings of the instrument. (她小心地掀开了钢琴的盖子,露出了乐器内部复杂的结构。)

14. The piano virtuoso delivered a breathtaking performance, leaving the audience in awe of his skill and artistry. (钢琴大师带来了令人叹为观止的演出,令观众对他的技巧和艺术才华感到敬畏。)

15. The piano melody evoked a sense of nostalgia and longing, stirring memories of days gone by. (钢琴旋律唤起了怀旧和渴望的情感,激起了过去的记忆。)

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