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时间: 2024-09-19 17:38:14


1. Safety is our top priority when operating heavy machinery. (安全是我们操作重型机械时的首要考虑。)

2. Always wear a helmet for your safety when riding a bike. (骑自行车时要戴头盔,以确保安全。)

3. The safety of the passengers is the responsibility of the airline crew. (乘客的安全是航空机组的责任。)

4. Safety regulations require all employees to undergo regular training. (安全法规要求所有员工接受定期培训。)

5. The safety of the children at the playground is closely monitored by the staff. (工作人员密切关注着游乐场上孩子们的安全。)

6. It's important to have safety measures in place in case of a fire. (如果发生火灾,有必要采取安全措施。)

7. Safety inspections are conducted regularly to ensure compliance with regulations. (定期进行安全检查,以确保符合法规。)

8. The safety of the hikers was jeopardized by the sudden storm. (突发的暴风雨危及了徒步旅行者的安全。)

9. Safety protocols must be followed in the laboratory at all times. (实验室中必须始终遵守安全规程。)

10. Safety precautions should be taken when handling hazardous materials. (处理危险材料时应采取安全预防措施。)

11. The safety of the construction workers is a top concern for the project manager. (建筑工人的安全是项目经理的首要关注点。)

12. The safety of the swimmers is ensured by the presence of lifeguards at the pool. (游泳者的安全得到了泳池救生员的保障。)

13. Safety guidelines should be followed when using power tools. (使用电动工具时应遵循安全指南。)

14. The safety of the food products is ensured through rigorous quality control measures. (通过严格的质量控制措施,确保食品的安全。)

15. It's important to have safety features installed in your car for protection in case of an accident. (为了在发生事故时得到保护,有必要在汽车上安装安全设施。)

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