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时间: 2024-09-19 11:47:45


1. The surgeon will operate on the patient tomorrow. (外科医生明天将对病人进行手术。)

2. The company operates a chain of restaurants across the country. (这家公司在全国经营一系列餐馆。)

3. The machine is easy to operate, even for beginners. (这台机器很容易操作,即使是初学者也可以。)

4. The government operates a program to provide financial assistance to low-income families. (政府运营一个为低收入家庭提供财政援助的项目。)

5. The police are operating a special task force to combat organized crime. (警察正在运作一个特别小组来打击有组织犯罪。)

6. The airline operates flights to over 100 destinations worldwide. (这家航空公司运营飞往全球100多个目的地的航班。)

7. The new manager plans to operate the business more efficiently. (新经理计划更高效地经营这家企业。)

8. The charity operates a shelter for homeless individuals. (慈善机构运营一个收容无家可归者的避难所。)

9. The machine operates by using a series of gears and pulleys. (这台机器通过使用一系列齿轮和滑轮来运行。)

10. The team operates in a highly competitive industry. (这个团队在一个竞争激烈的行业中运作。)

11. The committee operates under a set of strict rules and regulations. (委员会按照一套严格的规章制度运作。)

12. The company operates on a global scale, with offices in multiple countries. (这家公司在全球范围内运营,拥有多个国家的办公室。)

13. The factory operates 24 hours a day to meet production demands. (工厂全天候运营,以满足生产需求。)

14. The team operates like a well-oiled machine, with each member knowing their role. (这个团队像一个运转良好的机器一样,每个成员都知道自己的角色。)

15. The organization operates with transparency and accountability. (这个组织以透明和问责制来运作。)

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