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时间: 2024-09-19 11:48:01


1. The protesters gathered peacefully in the town square to demand political change. (抗议者在市政广场和平集会,要求政治改变。)

2. The two countries were able to peacefully resolve their border dispute through diplomatic negotiations. (两个国家通过外交谈判和平解决了边界争端。)

3. The children played peacefully in the park, enjoying the warm sunshine. (孩子们在公园里和平地玩耍,享受着温暖的阳光。)

4. Despite their differences, the two neighbors coexisted peacefully for many years. (尽管存在分歧,这两个邻居和平共处了很多年。)

5. The community came together to peacefully protest against environmental destruction. (社区团结一致,和平抗议环境破坏。)

6. The religious leaders called for a peacefully resolution to the conflict in the region. (宗教领袖呼吁和平解决该地区的冲突。)

7. The ceasefire allowed the war-torn region to finally experience some peacefully days. (停火使饱受战乱之苦的地区终于迎来了一些和平的日子。)

8. The family sat peacefully around the dinner table, enjoying each other's company. (一家人和平地围坐在餐桌旁,享受彼此的陪伴。)

9. The negotiations proceeded peacefully, with both sides willing to find a compromise. (谈判和平进行,双方都愿意寻求妥协。)

10. The peaceful atmosphere of the garden helped the visitors feel relaxed and rejuvenated. (花园里的宁静氛围帮助游客感到放松和焕发活力。)

11. The peaceful resolution of the conflict was a result of extensive mediation efforts. (冲突的和平解决是广泛调解努力的结果。)

12. The students conducted their protest peacefully, without resorting to violence. (学生们和平地进行了抗议,没有诉诸暴力。)

13. The community center provides a space for people to gather and interact peacefully. (社区中心提供了一个人们和平聚集和互动的空间。)

14. The animals in the sanctuary lived peacefully, away from the threats of poaching and habitat destruction. (庇护所里的动物和平地生活着,远离盗猎和栖息地破坏的威胁。)

15. The neighbors resolved their disagreements peacefully, finding common ground and understanding. (邻居们和平地解决了分歧,找到了共同点和理解。)

上一个 【英语】peaceful的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】peach的例句




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