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essay "问题(issue)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:22:03


Here is a 400-word essay on the topic of "问题 (issue)" with an English translation and vocabulary:







English Translation:

Issues in Our Daily Life

In our daily lives, we inevitably encounter various kinds of issues. These issues may come from work, study, family, or even our inner selves. How should we deal with these issues?

First, we need to correctly recognize and define the nature of the problem. Only by clearly identifying the root cause and crux of the problem can we take targeted measures to solve it. Sometimes, the surface cause of a problem may only be a superficial manifestation, and we need to delve deeper to find the underlying reason. This requires us to maintain a calm and objective attitude, and avoid being influenced by emotional factors.

Secondly, we should take the initiative to solve the problem. Passively waiting for the problem to disappear on its own is not a viable option. On the contrary, we should actively think about the methods and strategies to solve the problem. This requires us to unleash our creative thinking, use various analysis tools and methods, and propose multiple alternative solutions. Sometimes, a single solution may not be effective, and we need to take a comprehensive approach.

Finally, in the process of solving the problem, we need to learn to communicate and collaborate with others. The solution to many problems requires the participation and cooperation of multiple parties. We need to actively communicate with the relevant parties, understand their demands and concerns, and seek consensus. At the same time, we also need to learn to listen to the opinions of others and accept their suggestions. Only through an open attitude and mutual understanding can we find the best solution.

In summary, when facing problems, we need to maintain a rational, proactive, and open attitude. Only in this way can we better cope with the various problems in life and achieve effective problem-solving.


1. 问题 (wèn tí) - issue, problem

2. 避免 (bì miǎn) - to avoid, to prevent

3. 根源 (gēn yuán) - root cause, source

4. 症结 (zhèng jié) - crux, core

5. 表象 (biǎo xiàng) - superficial manifestation, appearance

6. 本质 (běn zhì) - essence, nature

7. 被动 (bèi dòng) - passive, reactive

8. 主动 (zhǔ dòng) - active, proactive

9. 创造性 (chuàng zào xìng) - creativity

10. 综合性 (zōng hé xìng) - comprehensive, holistic

11. 沟通 (gōu tōng) - communication

12. 协作 (xié zuò) - collaboration, cooperation

13. 诉求 (sù qiú) - demand, request

14. 顾虑 (gù lǜ) - concern, worry

15. 共识 (gòng shí) - consensus, common understanding

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