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essay "课(lesson)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 11:26:01


Certainly! Here's an essay about the Chinese character "课" (lesson), with an English translation and vocabulary list.






English Translation:

Lessons are a very important concept in our lives. From primary school to university, we need to take various courses, which not only help us acquire knowledge and skills, but also cultivate our critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

The content of these courses often involves multiple disciplines, including Chinese, mathematics, English, history, geography, physics, chemistry, and so on. Each course has its unique characteristics and requirements, and we need to invest a lot of time and effort to learn and master them. Sometimes, we may find the courses to be very difficult, but as long as we maintain a positive learning attitude and persevere in our efforts, we can definitely make progress.

In addition to attending classes, we also need to complete various assignments and projects, which are important components of course learning. By completing these tasks, we not only can consolidate the knowledge we have learned, but also can develop our independent thinking and hands-on abilities. At the same time, we also need to participate in various examinations, which not only serve as a test of our learning achievements, but also an assessment of our abilities.

In summary, course learning is a long and arduous process, but it is also an important path for our growth and progress. Only by continuously learning and practicing can we constantly improve ourselves and lay a solid foundation for our future development.


1. 课程 (kè chéng) - course, curriculum

2. 学科 (xué kē) - academic discipline

3. 难度 (nán dù) - difficulty

4. 积极 (jī jí) - positive

5. 坚持 (jiān chí) - persist, persevere

6. 巩固 (gǒng gù) - consolidate

7. 独立 (dú lì) - independent

8. 动手 (dòng shǒu) - hands-on

9. 考核 (kǎo hé) - assessment, evaluation

10. 奠定 (diàn dìng) - establish, lay a foundation

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