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essay "程序(procedure)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 11:17:04












使用程序的主要好处之一是抽象概念,它允许对调用者隐藏实现细节,从而专注于高级功能。 程序还可以接受参数,这些参数是传递给程序以定制其行为的值,从而实现更大的灵活性和可重用性。


Here is an essay on "Procedure" in English, with a translation to English and a vocabulary list at the end.

Procedure (程序)

Procedures, or 程序 in Chinese, are a fundamental concept in computer programming and algorithm design. A procedure is a self-contained sequence of instructions or steps that perform a specific task or function. It is a way of organizing and structuring code to make it more modular, reusable, and easier to understand.

Procedures are essential in programming because they allow developers to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. By encapsulating a set of related instructions into a single unit, procedures can be called and executed as needed, reducing the amount of duplicated code and making the overall program more efficient and maintainable.

One of the key benefits of using procedures is the concept of abstraction. Procedures hide the implementation details from the caller, allowing the caller to focus on the high-level functionality without worrying about the underlying implementation. This makes it easier to modify or update the procedure without affecting the rest of the program, as long as the interface (the inputs and outputs) remains the same.

Procedures can also take parameters, which are values passed into the procedure to customize its behavior. This allows for greater flexibility and reusability, as the same procedure can be used to perform different tasks by passing in different parameter values.

In addition to their role in programming, procedures are also important in other domains, such as business operations, scientific research, and everyday life. For example, a recipe for baking a cake can be considered a procedure, as it outlines the steps required to create the final product.

Overall, procedures are a fundamental concept in computer science and programming, and they play a crucial role in the development of efficient, maintainable, and scalable software systems.

English Translation:

Procedures are a fundamental concept in computer programming and algorithm design. A procedure is a self-contained sequence of instructions or steps that perform a specific task or function. Procedures are essential in programming because they allow developers to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. By encapsulating a set of related instructions into a single unit, procedures can be called and executed as needed, reducing the amount of duplicated code and making the overall program more efficient and maintainable.

One of the key benefits of using procedures is the concept of abstraction, which allows the implementation details to be hidden from the caller, focusing on the high-level functionality. Procedures can also take parameters, which are values passed into the procedure to customize its behavior, enabling greater flexibility and reusability.

Procedures are not limited to the field of computer science and programming; they are also important in other domains, such as business operations, scientific research, and everyday life, where they outline the steps required to achieve a specific goal or outcome.


1. Procedure (n.) - 程序

2. Algorithm (n.) - 算法

3. Self-contained (adj.) - 自包含的

4. Encapsulate (v.) - 封装

5. Modular (adj.) - 模块化的

6. Reusable (adj.) - 可重复使用的

7. Abstraction (n.) - 抽象

8. Implementation (n.) - 实现

9. Interface (n.) - 接口

10. Parameter (n.) - 参数

11. Flexibility (n.) - 灵活性

12. Maintainable (adj.) - 可维护的

13. Scalable (adj.) - 可扩展的

14. Domain (n.) - 领域

15. Recipe (n.) - 食谱

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