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essay "队伍(contingent)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 11:41:03


Here is a 400-word essay on the topic of "队伍 (contingent)" with an English translation and vocabulary list at the end.









English Translation:

In human society, we often encounter various "contingents". From the combat contingents in military operations, to the sales contingents in business activities, and to the queues in daily life, contingents are ubiquitous and have become an important part of our lives.

An excellent contingent not only can fully utilize the talents and advantages of each member, but also can form a powerful overall force to accomplish the predetermined goals. Excellent contingents usually have the following characteristics:

First, there must be good communication and collaboration among the members of the contingent. Each member must be clear about their role and responsibility, and work together to form an organic whole. Only when the members of the contingent can work closely together can they exert the synergistic effect of the whole and achieve the expected goals.

Secondly, the contingent must have clear goals and plans. An excellent contingent will formulate detailed action plans based on the predetermined goals, and each member is clear about their specific tasks in the plan. With clear goals and plans, the contingent can have a direction to follow and exert its full combat effectiveness.

Furthermore, the contingent must have strong leadership. An excellent contingent needs a visionary, decisive, and fair leader to coordinate the overall situation, formulate strategies, mobilize the enthusiasm of the members, and boost morale. Only under the strong leadership can the contingent fully exert its maximum combat effectiveness.

Finally, the contingent must have good discipline and execution. The members of the contingent must abide by the discipline, obey orders, and give full play to their own strengths to complete the tasks together. Only when all the members of the contingent are highly self-disciplined and disciplined can the contingent maintain good combat effectiveness and execution.

In summary, an excellent contingent can not only fully utilize the talents of each member, but also form a powerful overall force to accomplish the predetermined goals. Only by achieving the above points can a contingent truly become a strong and capable force and play its due role.


1. 队伍 (qiú bō) - contingent, group, team

2. 战斗队伍 (zhàn dòu qiú bō) - combat contingent

3. 销售队伍 (xiāo shòu qiú bō) - sales team

4. 排队 (pái duì) - to queue, to line up

5. 整体力量 (zhěng tǐ lì liàng) - overall force

6. 协同效应 (xié tóng xiào yìng) - synergistic effect

7. 行动计划 (xíng dòng jì huà) - action plan

8. 战斗力 (zhàn dòu lì) - combat effectiveness

9. 领导力 (lǐng dǎo lì) - leadership

10. 纪律 (jì lǜ) - discipline

11. 执行力 (zhí xíng lì) - execution

12. 精兵强将 (jīng bīng qiáng jiàng) - strong and capable force

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