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essay "发现(found)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 06:37:22


Here is an essay on the topic "发现(found)" in approximately 400 words, with an English translation and a vocabulary list at the end.







English Translation:

In our lives, there are always unexpected things happening, and these accidental discoveries often bring about unimaginable changes to our lives. Sometimes, these discoveries bring us joy, and sometimes they bring us confusion and unease. But regardless of the outcome, discoveries always give us new insights and experiences.

I remember once when I was taking a walk in the park, I accidentally found an injured little bird. It was huddled in the grass, looking very weak. I immediately stopped in my tracks, carefully picked it up, and decided to take it home to care for it. Over the next few days, I fed it, bandaged its wounds, and it slowly regained its health. When it was finally able to fly freely again, I felt genuinely happy, because not only had I saved a life, but I had also gained an unforgettable experience.

Another time, while I was organizing my bookshelf, I accidentally discovered a long-forgotten diary. As I opened it, the pages were filled with my thoughts and feelings from years ago, which made me reflect on the passage of time and the changes in my life. This unexpected discovery made me re-examine my past, and it also filled me with anticipation and longing for the future.

Sometimes, our discoveries are not always positive. For example, there was a time when I accidentally came across some negative news about myself online. This made me feel very dejected and confused, and I didn't know how to face these negative comments. But eventually, I realized that these comments did not define my entire life, and I should accept them calmly and continue moving forward.

In summary, discovery is undoubtedly an indispensable part of life. It can bring us surprises, and it can also bring us challenges. But regardless, discoveries will always give us new insights and experiences, making our lives more vibrant and colorful.


1. 意料之外 (yì liào zhī wài) - unexpected, unanticipated

2. 改变 (gǎi biàn) - change

3. 惊喜 (jīng xǐ) - surprise, pleasant surprise

4. 困惑 (kùn huò) - confusion, perplexity

5. 认知 (rèn zhī) - cognition, understanding

6. 体验 (tǐ yàn) - experience

7. 瑟缩 (sè suō) - to shrink, to cower

8. 虚弱 (xū ruò) - weak, feeble

9. 恢复 (huī fù) - to recover, to regain

10. 由衷 (yóu zhǒng) - sincere, heartfelt

11. 遗忘 (yí wàng) - to forget, to neglect

12. 感慨 (gǎn kǎi) - to feel deeply, to be moved

13. 审视 (shěn shì) - to examine, to scrutinize

14. 期待 (qī dài) - to expect, to anticipate

15. 向往 (xiàng wǎng) - to yearn for, to aspire to

16. 负面 (fù miàn) - negative, unfavorable

17. 沮丧 (jǔ sàng) - depressed, dejected

18. 定义 (dìng yì) - to define, to characterize

19. 坦然 (tǎn rán) - calmly, without hesitation

20. 丰富多彩 (fēng fù duō cǎi) - varied and colorful

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