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essay "语法(grammar)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:26:32


Here is an essay on "Grammar" with 400 words, an English translation, and a vocabulary list.







English Translation:

Grammar is a fundamental component of language, as it stipulates the order and combination of words in a language. Each language has its own unique set of grammar rules, which enable language to express thoughts and convey information in an orderly manner.

Good grammar can make our language clearer, more accurate, and more elegant. When we use correct grammar, others can better understand our meaning. Conversely, if the grammar is used improperly, it can cause ambiguity and misunderstanding, affecting the effectiveness of communication. Therefore, mastering grammar rules is the key to improving our language expression abilities.

Grammar includes various aspects, such as parts of speech, sentence components, and sentence types. For example, the correct use of nouns, verbs, and adjectives as parts of speech, the appropriate combination of subjects, predicates, and objects as sentence components, and the appropriate application of declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, and imperative sentences as sentence types, are all manifestations of good grammar.

Furthermore, grammar also involves grammatical categories such as tense, number, and person. The correct use of tense can accurately express the temporal relationship of events; the correct use of number can accurately express the quantitative relationship of things; the correct use of person can accurately express the speaking subject. Mastering these grammatical categories can help us express more nuanced and rich content.

In summary, grammar is the foundation of language and an important tool for us to express our thoughts and exchange information. Only by deeply understanding and proficiently mastering the grammar rules can our language expression become more fluent, accurate, and beautiful. Therefore, we should emphasize the learning of grammar and continuously improve our language application abilities.


1. 语法 (grammar)

2. 组成部分 (component)

3. 排列顺序 (order)

4. 组合方式 (combination)

5. 独特 (unique)

6. 规则 (rule)

7. 有序 (orderly)

8. 表达 (express)

9. 传达 (convey)

10. 信息 (information)

11. 清晰 (clear)

12. 准确 (accurate)

13. 优雅 (elegant)

14. 歧义 (ambiguity)

15. 误解 (misunderstanding)

16. 交流 (communication)

17. 表达能力 (expression ability)

18. 词性 (part of speech)

19. 句子成分 (sentence component)

20. 句型 (sentence type)

21. 名词 (noun)

22. 动词 (verb)

23. 形容词 (adjective)

24. 主语 (subject)

25. 谓语 (predicate)

26. 宾语 (object)

27. 陈述句 (declarative sentence)

28. 疑问句 (interrogative sentence)

29. 祈使句 (imperative sentence)

30. 语法范畴 (grammatical category)

31. 时态 (tense)

32. 数 (number)

33. 人称 (person)

34. 时间关系 (temporal relationship)

35. 数量关系 (quantitative relationship)

36. 说话主体 (speaking subject)

37. 细腻 (nuanced)

38. 丰富 (rich)

39. 基础 (foundation)

40. 工具 (tool)

41. 流畅 (fluent)

42. 重视 (emphasize)

43. 运用能力 (application ability)

上一个 essay "词典(dictionary)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary 文章列表 下一个 essay "规则(rules)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary




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