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essay "练习(practice)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:26:23










English Translation:


Practicing is an essential aspect of our daily lives, whether it's in our personal or professional endeavors. It is the key to mastering any skill, from playing a musical instrument to learning a new language. Consistent practice not only helps us improve our abilities but also instills a sense of discipline and determination within us.

One of the primary benefits of practice is the development of muscle memory. When we repeatedly perform a specific task, our brain and body begin to recognize the patterns and movements required, making the execution smoother and more effortless over time. This is particularly true in physical activities, such as sports or dance, where the body needs to develop the necessary coordination and reflexes.

Moreover, practice allows us to identify and address our weaknesses. By repeatedly attempting a task, we become more aware of the areas where we struggle, enabling us to focus our efforts on improving those specific aspects. This feedback loop of practice and self-assessment is crucial for personal growth and the attainment of excellence.

In the academic realm, practice is equally important. Students who regularly engage in practice exercises, such as solving math problems or writing essays, are more likely to retain the information and perform better on exams. This is because practice helps solidify the concepts in our minds, making it easier to recall and apply them when needed.

Furthermore, practice instills a sense of confidence and self-belief. As we witness our own progress and improvement through consistent practice, we begin to trust in our abilities and feel more empowered to tackle challenges. This confidence can have a ripple effect, positively impacting various aspects of our lives, from our professional endeavors to our personal relationships.

However, it's important to note that practice is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The effectiveness of practice depends on the quality and consistency of the effort. Mindless repetition without a clear understanding of the task or a specific goal in mind may not yield the desired results. Instead, it's crucial to approach practice with a focused and intentional mindset, constantly seeking ways to refine and enhance our performance.

In conclusion, practice is a powerful tool that can unlock our full potential and help us achieve our goals. Whether it's mastering a new skill, improving our academic performance, or developing a deeper understanding of a subject, consistent and deliberate practice is the key to success. By embracing the discipline and dedication required for practice, we can embark on a journey of continuous growth and self-improvement.


1. essential - absolutely necessary; extremely important.

2. endeavor - an attempt to achieve a goal or complete a task.

3. master - to become an expert in or gain complete control of (a skill, subject, etc.).

4. consistent - constantly adhering to the same principles, course of action, or form.

5. discipline - the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.

6. determination - the quality of being resolute and unwavering in purpose.

7. muscle memory - the ability of the body to perform certain actions automatically without conscious thought, due to repeated practice.

8. coordination - the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently.

9. reflexes - an automatic and immediate response to a stimulus.

10. weakness - a disadvantage or problem that reduces the effectiveness or strength of something or someone.

11. feedback loop - a process in which the output of a system is used as input, leading to a continuous cycle of improvement or adjustment.

12. self-assessment - the act of evaluating one's own performance or abilities.

13. attainment - the successful achievement of a goal or objective.

14. academic - relating to education and scholarly subjects.

15. retain - to continue to hold or keep (something).

16. solidify - to make or become firm, stable, or permanent.

17. recall - to bring back to the mind or memory.

18. apply - to put (knowledge, a skill, etc.) into use or practice.

19. confidence - the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something.

20. self-belief - the confidence in one's own abilities and judgment.

21. empowered - to give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

22. ripple effect - a situation in which one event or action causes a series of other events or actions.

23. one-size-fits-all - designed to be usable by people of many different sizes or with many different needs.

24. mindless - done or occurring without thought or conscious effort.

25. intentional - done deliberately and with a specific purpose.

26. refine - to improve (something) by making small changes.

27. enhance - to intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.

28. unlock - to open or release something that has been locked.

29. potential - the capacity to develop into something in the future.

30. embrace - to accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.

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