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时间: 2024-09-19 17:08:05


1. The propagation of the rumor caused widespread panic in the community.(谣言的传播在社区引起了广泛的恐慌。)

2. The propagation of plants is an important part of gardening.(植物的繁殖是园艺的重要组成部分。)

3. Social media has greatly facilitated the propagation of information.(社交媒体极大地促进了信息的传播。)

4. The propagation of sound waves through water is different from through air.(声波在水中的传播方式与在空气中有所不同。)

5. The propagation of a wave can be affected by the medium through which it travels.(波的传播受到它所传播的介质的影响。)

6. The propagation of technology has transformed the way we live and work.(技术的传播已经改变了我们的生活和工作方式。)

7. The propagation of the disease was difficult to control due to the lack of medical resources.(由于医疗资源的缺乏,疾病的传播难以控制。)

8. The propagation of ideas is essential for the progress of society.(思想的传播对社会的进步至关重要。)

9. The propagation of electromagnetic waves can be studied through physics experiments.(可以通过物理实验来研究电磁波的传播。)

10. The propagation of traditions and customs is an important aspect of cultural heritage.(传统和习俗的传播是文化遗产的重要组成部分。)

11. 信息的传播对于现代社会至关重要。

12. 这种疾病的传播速度非常快,令人担忧。

13. 他们希望通过教育的传播来改善社区的健康状况。

14. 电磁波的传播速度是有限的,受到介质的影响。

15. 新的商业模式正在迅速传播到全球各地。

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