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essay "雨(rain)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 22:02:43


Here is an essay on the topic of "雨 (Rain)" in 400 words, with an English translation and a vocabulary list at the end.

雨 (Rain)






English Translation:

Rain is an indispensable element in the natural world. Rain is the source of life, moistening the earth and promoting the growth of plants. However, it can also have a significant impact on people.

When it starts to rain, the sky becomes cloudy, and the air becomes cooler. The sound of raindrops falling on the ground is pleasant, and the scent of rain carries the fragrance of the earth. Rain sometimes falls quietly, but at other times, it pours down relentlessly. Heavy rain can cause roads to be flooded and even lead to disasters. However, even such heavy rain plays an important role in moistening the earth and providing water to plants.

Rain also affects people's lives. On rainy days, going out becomes inconvenient, and one must carry an umbrella. However, rainy days have a calm atmosphere, allowing people to take it easy. Rainy days provide a good opportunity to enjoy hobbies such as reading or watching movies.

Furthermore, rain helps us feel the changing of the seasons. Spring rain awakens new life, summer rain alleviates the sultry heat, autumn rain highlights the vibrant foliage, and winter rain softens the cold. In this way, rain is an essential element that represents the natural changes.

Rain is deeply connected to our lives. While it can sometimes be inconvenient, it plays a vital role in moistening the earth and nurturing life. Rain is a part of nature, and it is also a part of our lives. By appreciating rain, we can become one with nature and feel the blessings it provides.


1. 不可欠 (ふかけつ) - indispensable, essential

2. 潤す (うるおす) - to moisten, to water

3. 促す (うながす) - to encourage, to stimulate

4. 冠水 (かんすい) - flooding, inundation

5. 趣味 (しゅみ) - hobby, pastime

6. 蒸し暑さ (むしあつさ) - sultry heat

7. 紅葉 (こうよう) - autumn foliage

8. 愛でる (めでる) - to appreciate, to admire

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