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essay "雪(snow)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 19:27:16



The soft, white flakes drift gently from the gray, overcast sky, blanketing the earth in a pristine layer of crystalline wonder. As the snowfall intensifies, the world is transformed into a serene, winter wonderland, where the once-vibrant colors of nature are muted, replaced by the calming hues of ivory and silver.

The arrival of snow is a highly anticipated event, especially for those who relish the opportunity to indulge in the joys of the season. Children eagerly await the first snowfall, their eyes wide with excitement as they anticipate the opportunity to build snowmen, engage in epic snowball fights, and glide effortlessly down snow-covered hills on sleds.

For many, the experience of snow is not merely a physical one, but also a deeply emotional and spiritual one. The sight of the delicate, intricate snowflakes, each one unique in its design, can evoke a sense of awe and wonder at the sheer beauty and complexity of the natural world. The muffled silence that accompanies a heavy snowfall can be a profoundly calming and meditative experience, allowing individuals to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and reconnect with the tranquility of the present moment.

Beyond its aesthetic and emotional appeal, snow also plays a crucial role in the delicate balance of our ecosystem. The white blanket that covers the ground acts as an insulator, protecting the soil and the organisms that dwell within it from the harsh winter temperatures. Additionally, the gradual melting of the snow in the spring provides a steady supply of water to nourish the land and replenish our water sources.

Despite its many benefits, snow can also present challenges and difficulties. Heavy snowfall can disrupt transportation, cause power outages, and create hazardous conditions for those who must venture out into the elements. In some regions, excessive snowfall can even lead to the collapse of buildings and structures, posing a serious threat to public safety.

Nonetheless, the beauty and wonder of snow continue to captivate and inspire people around the world. Whether it is the thrill of playing in the snow, the serenity of a snow-covered landscape, or the appreciation of its ecological significance, snow remains a truly remarkable and awe-inspiring natural phenomenon.

English Translation:

雪 (Snow)








1. 雪花 (xuě huā) - Snowflake

2. 晶莹剔透 (jīng yíng tī tòu) - Crystalline, transparent

3. 生机勃勃 (shēng jī bó bó) - Vibrant, full of life

4. 乳白 (rǔ bái) - Milky white

5. 银灰 (yín huī) - Silver-gray

6. 雪势 (xuě shì) - Snowfall intensity

7. 雪仗 (xuě zhàng) - Snowball fight

8. 敬畏 (jìng wèi) - Awe, reverence

9. 冥想 (míng xiǎng) - Meditation

10. 隔热 (gé rè) - Insulation

11. 滋养 (zī yǎng) - Nourish, nurture

12. 倒塌 (dǎo tā) - Collapse

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