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essay "森林(forest)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 10:00:52



Forests are one of the most vital and diverse ecosystems on our planet. They cover approximately 31% of the Earth's land surface and are home to a vast array of plant and animal species. Forests play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our environment, providing numerous benefits to both human and non-human inhabitants.

At the heart of a forest lies a complex and interconnected web of life. Trees, the dominant feature of a forest, are the foundation upon which countless other organisms depend. These towering giants not only provide shade and shelter but also absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, and regulate the water cycle. The intricate network of roots beneath the soil helps to prevent erosion and maintain the fertility of the land.

Forests are not merely collections of trees; they are dynamic and ever-evolving communities. The understory, the layer of vegetation beneath the canopy, is home to a diverse array of plants, including ferns, mosses, and shrubs. These plants, along with the fallen leaves and decaying matter, create a rich, nutrient-dense soil that supports a vast array of microorganisms, insects, and other small creatures.

The importance of forests extends far beyond their ecological significance. They are also vital to the well-being of human communities. Forests provide a range of resources, such as timber, fuel, and medicinal plants, that have been essential to human societies for centuries. Additionally, forests offer recreational opportunities, from hiking and camping to wildlife observation and photography, which can have a profound impact on our physical and mental health.

However, forests around the world face numerous threats, including deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and climate change. As the demand for land and resources increases, many forests are being cleared at an alarming rate, leading to the loss of biodiversity and the disruption of delicate ecosystems. It is crucial that we take action to protect and preserve these vital natural resources for future generations.

In conclusion, forests are truly remarkable and irreplaceable ecosystems that play a vital role in sustaining life on our planet. By understanding and appreciating the value of forests, we can work together to ensure their conservation and responsible management, safeguarding their countless benefits for generations to come.

English Translation:









1. ecosystem (生態系)

2. land surface (陸地)

3. diverse (多様な)

4. vital (不可欠な)

5. balance (バランス)

6. dominant (主要な)

7. foundation (基盤)

8. depend (依存する)

9. absorb (吸収する)

10. regulate (調整する)

11. erosion (浸食)

12. fertile (肥沃な)

13. understory (下層植生)

14. canopy (樹冠)

15. vegetation (植生)

16. decomposing (腐敗する)

17. microorganism (微生物)

18. recreational (余暇の)

19. observation (観察)

20. deforestation (森林伐採)

21. fragmentation (断片化)

22. conservation (保護)

23. irreplaceable (取り替えのできない)

24. sustain (維持する)

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