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essay "山(mountain)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 12:05:20


Here is an essay about "mountain" in approximately 400 words, with an English translation and vocabulary at the end.





English Translation:

Mountains are natural formations that rise up from the earth. Their height, size, and shape are remarkably diverse, exceeding human imagination. Mountains are important entities that tell the story of the earth's history, and they hold great significance for us humans as well.

Mountains are one of the major forces that shape the earth's surface. They rise up through crustal movements and volcanic activity, and are sculpted by erosion from wind, rain, and glaciers, changing over time. Their appearance tells the long history of the earth, from its birth to the present day. The exposed rocks at the mountain peaks provide clues to the earth's internal structure.

Furthermore, mountains hold great meaning for us humans. Since ancient times, mountains have been revered as sacred entities and objects of faith. Climbing a mountain provides an opportunity to connect with the grandeur of nature and find spiritual fulfillment. Mountaineering stimulates our sense of exploration and adventure, and also helps improve physical fitness. In addition, mountains provide us with various blessings, such as water sources, timber, and recreational spaces, making them indispensable to our lives.

In this way, mountains are deeply intertwined with the earth's history and human activities. Their majestic appearance and intrinsic value evoke a sense of the greatness and mystery of nature. Going forward, we must continue to coexist with mountains and cherish the blessings they provide.


1. 聳え立つ (sobiritsuru) - to rise up, to tower

2. 造形物 (zōkeibutsu) - a work of art, a sculpture

3. 地殻変動 (chikakuhendō) - crustal movement, tectonic activity

4. 火山活動 (kazan katsudō) - volcanic activity

5. 隆起 (ryūki) - uplift, rise

6. 浸食 (shinsoku) - erosion

7. 露出 (rosshutsu) - exposure, outcrop

8. 内部構造 (naibu kōzō) - internal structure

9. 崇める (agameru) - to revere, to worship

10. 信仰 (shinkō) - faith, belief

11. 精神的 (seishin-teki) - spiritual, mental

12. 充足感 (jūsokukan) - sense of fulfillment

13. 探求心 (tankyūshin) - spirit of inquiry, curiosity

14. 冒険心 (bōkenshin) - sense of adventure

15. 恵み (megumi) - blessing, gift

16. 涵養 (kannyō) - replenishment, conservation

17. レクリエーション (recreation) - recreation

18. 営み (iewaza) - activities, pursuits

19. 偉大 (idai) - great, magnificent

20. 神秘 (shinpi) - mystery, wonder

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