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essay "鸡(chicken)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:03:08


Here is a 400-word essay on the topic of "鸡 (chicken)", with an English translation and vocabulary list at the end.

鸡 (Chicken)






English Translation:

Chickens are a common domestic fowl that play an important role in human life. They not only provide us with abundant nutrition, but also become a part of many cultural traditions.

First of all, chicken meat is a high-quality source of protein. It contains rich protein, vitamins, and minerals, which are very beneficial to human health. Chicken meat has a tender and smooth texture, and the cooking methods are diverse, from steaming to fried chicken, all of which can make people's mouths water. In addition, chicken eggs are also a nutritious food, known as the "perfect food". Chicken eggs can not only be eaten directly, but also used to make various delicious dishes, such as fried eggs, scrambled eggs, and cakes.

Secondly, chickens play an important symbolic role in many cultures. In China, chickens are seen as a symbol of auspiciousness and happiness, and often appear in various festival activities. For example, during the Spring Festival, people will hang up couplets with the meaning of "auspicious chicken year", implying that the new year will be full of peace and harmony. In Western culture, chickens are also regarded as symbols of courage, loyalty, and tenacity. In many folk stories and fables in various countries, chickens often play an important role, conveying positive values.

In addition, chickens also play an important role in agricultural production. Chickens can provide high-quality meat and eggs, and are also an important economic crop. Many farmers increase their income through raising chickens, promoting the development of the rural economy. Furthermore, chicken manure can also be used as high-quality organic fertilizer, providing nutrients for the growth of crops, and realizing the recycling of resources.

In summary, chickens are an extremely important domestic fowl, not only providing us with abundant nutrition, but also becoming a part of many cultural traditions, and playing an important role in agricultural production. It can be said that chickens occupy an important position in human life.


1. 家禽 (jiā qín) - domestic fowl

2. 营养 (yíng yǎng) - nutrition

3. 蛋白质 (dàn bái zhì) - protein

4. 维生素 (wéi shēng sù) - vitamin

5. 矿物质 (kuàng wù zhì) - mineral

6. 口感 (kǒu gǎn) - texture

7. 烹饪 (pēng rèn) - cooking

8. 垂涎欲滴 (chuí xián yù dī) - make one's mouth water

9. 象征 (xiàng zhēng) - symbol

10. 吉祥 (jí xiáng) - auspicious

11. 幸福 (xìng fú) - happiness

12. 节庆 (jié qìng) - festival

13. 对联 (duì lián) - couplet

14. 勇气 (yǒng qì) - courage

15. 忠诚 (zhōng chéng) - loyalty

16. 坚韧 (jiān rèn) - tenacity

17. 寓言 (yù yán) - fable

18. 积极向上 (jī jí xiàng shàng) - positive

19. 经济作物 (jīng jì zuò wù) - economic crop

20. 有机肥料 (yǒu jī féi liào) - organic fertilizer

21. 循环利用 (xún huán lì yòng) - recycling

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