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essay "火鸡(turkey)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:17:01


Turkey: A Thanksgiving Tradition

Turkey, the iconic centerpiece of the Thanksgiving feast, has become an integral part of American culture and tradition. This majestic bird, native to North America, has played a significant role in the history and celebrations of the United States.

The history of the turkey's association with Thanksgiving can be traced back to the early days of the Plymouth Colony. In 1621, the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe celebrated the first Thanksgiving feast, which is believed to have included wild turkeys as part of the menu. This event marked the beginning of a tradition that has endured for centuries.

Over time, the turkey has become synonymous with Thanksgiving, and its preparation has evolved into a culinary art. From the classic roasted turkey with stuffing to the more modern variations, such as deep-fried or smoked turkeys, the ways in which this bird is prepared have become as diverse as the people who enjoy it.

Beyond its role in Thanksgiving, the turkey has also become a staple in many households throughout the year. Its versatility in the kitchen, from sandwiches to soups and casseroles, has made it a popular choice for everyday meals. Additionally, turkey has become a healthier alternative to other meats, as it is low in fat and high in protein.

The cultural significance of the turkey extends beyond its culinary aspects. In many Native American traditions, the turkey is revered as a sacred animal, representing qualities such as resilience, adaptability, and community. This reverence has influenced the way the turkey is viewed and celebrated in modern times.

In conclusion, the turkey has become an integral part of American culture and tradition, particularly during the Thanksgiving holiday. Its history, versatility, and cultural significance have made it a beloved and iconic symbol of this cherished celebration. As families gather around the table to enjoy the Thanksgiving feast, the turkey remains the centerpiece, a testament to the enduring legacy of this remarkable bird.

English Translation:









1. Centerpiece - 中心人物

2. Iconic - 标志性的

3. Thanksgiving - 感恩节

4. Majestic - 雄伟的

5. Native - 本土的

6. Significant - 重要的

7. Trace back - 追溯

8. Plymouth Colony - 普利茅斯殖民地

9. Wampanoag - 瓦帕诺阿克(美洲原住民部落)

10. Feast - 盛宴

11. Menu - 菜单

12. Synonymous - 同义的

13. Culinary art - 烹饪艺术

14. Roasted - 烤的

15. Stuffing - 填馅

16. Deep-fried - 油炸的

17. Smoked - 熏制的

18. Versatility - 多样性

19. Staple - 主食

20. Casserole - 砂锅菜

21. Healthier - 更健康的

22. Fat - 脂肪

23. Protein - 蛋白质

24. Cultural significance - 文化意义

25. Revered - 崇敬的

26. Resilience - 韧性

27. Adaptability - 适应性

28. Community - 社区

29. Enduring legacy - 持久遗产

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