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essay "文章(essay)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:23:16


Here is a 400-word essay in English with a translation to English at the end, followed by a vocabulary list.






Essay (English Translation)

An essay is a unique literary form that allows the author to express their own ideas and perspectives. Through writing, the author can delve deeply into a topic and convey their insights to the reader. The content of an essay can cover a wide range of subjects, from everyday life to philosophical contemplation, from technological innovation to artistic appreciation.

An excellent essay not only requires in-depth content but also outstanding language expression. The author needs to use vivid language, appropriate rhetorical techniques, and a clear and logical structure to resonate with the reader and encourage them to think deeply. At the same time, the essay should also reflect the author's unique perspective and way of thinking, allowing the reader to feel the author's personal charm.

Writing an outstanding essay is not an easy task. The author needs to have a broad knowledge base, keen observation skills, and rich writing experience. They must be able to discern the essence of things, propose unique insights, and express them in appropriate language. Furthermore, the author needs to continuously revise and refine their work until they are satisfied with the result.

Excellent essays not only disseminate knowledge and perspectives but also inspire readers to think and imagine. By reading outstanding essays, readers can broaden their horizons, enhance their cognitive abilities, and gain new insights. This is the charm of essays and their unique value.


1. 文章 (wén zhāng) - essay, article

2. 独特 (dú tè) - unique, distinctive

3. 表达 (biǎo dá) - to express, to convey

4. 想法 (xiǎng fǎ) - idea, thought

5. 观点 (guān diǎn) - viewpoint, perspective

6. 探讨 (tàn tǎo) - to discuss, to explore

7. 见解 (jiàn jiě) - insight, understanding

8. 题材 (tí cái) - subject matter, topic

9. 哲学 (zhé xué) - philosophy

10. 思考 (sī kǎo) - to think, to ponder

11. 创新 (chuàng xīn) - innovation

12. 欣赏 (xīn shǎng) - to appreciate

13. 表达能力 (biǎo dá néng lì) - expression ability

14. 修辞 (xiū cí) - rhetoric

15. 结构 (jié gòu) - structure

16. 引起 (yǐn qǐ) - to arouse, to evoke

17. 共鸣 (gòng míng) - resonance, echo

18. 视角 (shì jiǎo) - perspective, angle

19. 思维方式 (sī wéi fāng shì) - way of thinking

20. 个性魅力 (gè xìng mèi lì) - personal charm

21. 知识积累 (zhī shí jī lěi) - knowledge accumulation

22. 观察力 (guān chá lì) - observation skills

23. 写作经验 (xiě zuò jīng yàn) - writing experience

24. 洞察 (dòng chá) - to discern, to perceive

25. 本质 (běn zhì) - essence, nature

26. 独到 (dú dào) - unique, distinctive

27. 修改 (xiū gǎi) - to revise, to edit

28. 润色 (rùn sè) - to refine, to polish

29. 传播 (chuán bō) - to disseminate, to spread

30. 激发 (jī fā) - to inspire, to stimulate

31. 开阔视野 (kāi kuò shì yě) - to broaden one's horizons

32. 认知能力 (rèn zhī néng lì) - cognitive ability

33. 启发 (qǐ fā) - inspiration, enlightenment

34. 魅力 (mèi lì) - charm, appeal

35. 价值 (jià zhí) - value, worth

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