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essay "通信(correspondence)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:13:11


Certainly! Here's an essay on the topic of "通信 (correspondence)" with an English translation and vocabulary:







English Translation:

Humans have long had the desire to convey their thoughts and information to others. For this purpose, they have devised and practiced various methods. From the exchange of letters since ancient times to the evolution of communication means such as telephones, telex, fax, and now email and social media, communication methods have continued to evolve with the times.

Letters allow us to feel the sender's emotions by seeing the handwritten characters. The handwritten characters convey the sender's personality and thoughts. The joy of receiving a letter remains unchanged even today. However, writing a letter takes time, and waiting for a reply can be challenging.

On the other hand, telephones have immediacy and allow us to hear the other person's voice, enabling more direct communication. They are also suitable for emergency contacts. However, the lack of visible facial expressions can make it difficult to convey subtle nuances.

In recent years, with the development of the internet, communication tools such as email and social media have become mainstream. Email has higher immediacy compared to letters and allows for the sending of attachments. Social media also enables real-time information sharing and the exchange of comments, allowing for bidirectional communication. However, the exchange through a screen can make it difficult to grasp the other person's true feelings.

Each communication method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to use them appropriately depending on the situation. By understanding the other person's feelings and using the appropriate method to communicate, we can build better human relationships.


1. 通信 (tsūshin) - Correspondence, communication

2. 欲求 (yokkyū) - Desire, need

3. 手紙 (tegami) - Letter

4. 個性 (kosei) - Personality, individuality

5. 即時性 (sokujitsusei) - Immediacy, real-time

6. ニュアンス (nyuansu) - Nuance, subtle meaning

7. 双方向 (sōhōkō) - Bidirectional, two-way

8. 適切 (tekisetsu) - Appropriate, suitable

9. 人間関係 (ningen kankei) - Human relationships

10. 添付ファイル (tenpū fairu) - Attached file

上一个 essay "手机(cell phone)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary 文章列表 下一个 essay "电子邮件(email)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary




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