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essay "现金(cash)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 11:41:31


Here is an essay on "cash" in approximately 400 words, with an English translation and vocabulary at the end.







English Translation:

Cash is a form of circulating currency and the most basic and common means of payment in human transactions. It is a payment tool with liquidity and purchasing power, which people can use to purchase various goods and services. The use of cash has brought great convenience to the development of human society.

The emergence of cash marks the evolution of human trading methods, from the initial barter to the use of currency for transactions. The earliest forms of currency were various physical objects, such as shells and metals, which later gradually evolved into banknotes and coins. Banknotes and coins, due to their portability and strong anti-counterfeiting features, have gradually replaced physical currencies and become the mainstream form of cash.

The use of cash brings many benefits to people's lives. First, cash can be used to complete transactions quickly and conveniently, without worrying about the inability to use the payment tool. Secondly, the anonymity of cash makes the transaction process more private, without leaving too much personal information. Furthermore, cash can help people better manage their finances, as each cash expenditure is real and tangible, allowing them to have a clearer understanding of their consumption situation. Finally, cash can also serve as a form of emergency reserve, providing timely assistance in unexpected situations.

Although the use of cash brings many benefits, there are also some problems. Cash is easy to lose and be stolen, posing certain security risks to people's lives. At the same time, cash is not conducive to financial management, as it does not leave transaction records. In addition, the use of cash also increases the opportunities for criminals to commit crimes, posing a certain threat to social security.

In summary, as a basic payment tool, cash plays an important role in human society. It brings convenience to people's lives, but also has some problems. As society develops, people should make reasonable use of cash, and also explore more secure and convenient payment methods to promote social progress.


1. 流通 (liútōng) - circulation

2. 购买力 (gòumǎilì) - purchasing power

3. 便携性 (biànxiéxìng) - portability

4. 防伪性 (fángwěixìng) - anti-counterfeiting

5. 匿名性 (nìmíngxìng) - anonymity

6. 应急 (yìngjí) - emergency

7. 隐患 (yǐnhuàn) - hidden danger

8. 犯罪分子 (fànzuì fēnzǐ) - criminals

9. 合理利用 (hélǐ lìyòng) - reasonable use

10. 推动 (tuīdòng) - promote

上一个 essay "支票(cheque)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary 文章列表 下一个 essay "非现金(Non-cash)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary




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