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essay "包(pack)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:20:56


以下是一篇关于汉字“包”的 400 字文章,附有英文翻译和词汇表:

包 (Bāo) - 多功能包


从最基本的层面上讲,包是指包裹或封入某物的行为。一种常见的用法是包裹 (bāoguǒ),意思是“包裹”或“包装”。这可以适用于包裹起来用于储存或运输的实物,例如礼物或包裹。这个汉字也出现在包子 (bāozi) 等词中,包子是一种馒头,面团“包裹”或包裹里面的馅料。



在运输和旅行的背景下,“包”可以表示携带或容纳的概念。 “包裹”一词也可以表示“包裹”或“行李”,表示为旅行而“打包”的东西。“包机”一词是指包租一架飞机,就像为特定目的“打包”整架飞机一样。



English Translation:

The Versatile Pack

The Chinese character 包 (bāo) represents the concept of a "pack" or "bundle." However, this simple character encompasses a wide range of meanings and applications in the Chinese language. From wrapping and enclosing to carrying and containing, the character 包 is a versatile and indispensable part of daily life.

At its most basic level, 包 refers to the act of wrapping or enclosing something. A common usage is 包裹 (bāoguǒ), which means "to wrap up" or "to package." This can apply to physical objects, such as gifts or parcels, that are bundled up for storage or transportation. The character also appears in words like 包子 (bāozi), a type of steamed bun, where the dough "packs" or encloses the filling inside.

Beyond physical wrapping, 包 can also signify a sense of inclusion or encompassment. The word 包括 (bāokuò) means "to include" or "to comprise," indicating that something is "packed" or contained within a larger whole. Similarly, 包围 (bāowéi) refers to the act of surrounding or encircling, as if "packing" something within a perimeter.

The concept of "packing" or "bundling" also extends to the realm of responsibility and commitment. The word 包办 (bāobàn) means "to take full charge of" or "to handle completely," suggesting that one "packs" or assumes the entirety of a task or obligation. Likewise, 包工 (bāogōng) refers to a contractor who "packs" or takes on an entire project, rather than individual parts of it.

In the context of transportation and travel, 包 can denote the idea of carrying or containing. The word 包裹 (bāoguǒ) can also mean "a package" or "a piece of luggage," indicating something that is "packed" for a journey. The phrase 包机 (bāojī) refers to chartering an entire aircraft, as if "packing" the entire plane for a specific purpose.

The versatility of 包 even extends to the realm of personal relationships. The word 包养 (bāoyǎng) means "to financially support" or "to keep," implying a sense of "packing" or "enveloping" another person within one's care and responsibility.

Through these diverse applications, the character 包 demonstrates the Chinese language's remarkable ability to convey complex ideas and relationships through a single, multifaceted symbol. From the physical act of wrapping to the abstract notions of inclusion and commitment, the "pack" represented by 包 is a fundamental and indispensable part of the Chinese cultural and linguistic landscape.


1. 包 (bāo) - pack, bundle, wrap

2. 包裹 (bāoguǒ) - to wrap up, to package

3. 包子 (bāozi) - steamed bun

4. 包括 (bāokuò) - to include, to comprise

5. 包围 (bāowéi) - to surround, to encircle

6. 包办 (bāobàn) - to take full charge of, to handle completely

7. 包工 (bāogōng) - to take on an entire project

8. 包机 (bāojī) - to charter an entire aircraft

9. 包养 (bāoyǎng) - to financially support, to keep

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